Loony Liberal Senator Attacks Jeff Sessions, Forgets One Important Thing

Claire McCaskill made an ass of herself today.

The endangered Democrat is probably stressing out about 2018, when she’ll have to run for reelection against someone not named Todd Akin. Either that, or she’s a partisan hack who does’nt realize the internet is forever. We’ll let you decide. As the Federalists Bre Payton notes:

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign Thursday morning over allegations that he met with Russia’s ambassador twice last year then made a statement indicating otherwise during his confirmation hearings.

McCaskill has joined the dog pile of Democrats calling for Sessions’s resignation over the debacle. She threw some additional shade in the Attorney General’s direction Thursday morning by tweeting that she’s never met with Russia’s ambassador in the 10 years she’s served on the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services. 

But in 2013 and 2015, McCaskill tweeted about meeting with Russia’s ambassador.

Democrats didn’t care when Barack Obama told Russians on a hot mic that he’d have “more flexibility” when it came to giving away the farm to Russia in missile defense negotiatons. They didn’t care when Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a deal that handed Russia a boatload of uranium (perhaps in exchange for generous donations to the Clinton Foundation), or when Obama advisor Ben Rhodes manipulated the press into supporting the disastrous Iran deal by feeding them falsehood after falsehood. Now, they want you to believe that a long term senator with an unimpeachable record of service to his country is a shill for Vladimir Putin. 

What’s more likely, that, or the possibility that Sessions was meeting with the Russian ambassador as part of his job as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee?


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