Trump’s New Move: Drill, Baby, Drill

President Trump is expected to sign two executive orders this week aimed at increasing offshore drilling and reassessing former President Barack Obama’s decisions to designate several national monuments.

Trump plans to issue the energy and public land orders in the leadup to the end of his first 100 days in office April 30, according to reports.

The Executive Order for a Review of Designations under the Antiquities Act will call for a review of how past presidents have used the Antiquities Act of 1906 to declare federal lands as national monuments, a summary of the order obtained by the Washington Examiner read.

“Past administrations have overused this power and designated large swaths of land well beyond the areas in need of protection,” according to the summary. “The Antiquities Act Executive Order directs the Department of the Interior to review prior monument designations and suggest legislative changes or modifications to the monument proclamations.”


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