RINOs Backstab Trump Over The Budget

Far-left news site, Daily Kos, is already calling the Republicans’ new budget “a monster win for Democrats.” It’s hard to disagree.

Late Sunday night, Republicans and Democrats compromised on a last-minute deal to avoid a government shutdown, and keep the federal government operating through September.

But “compromised” might be too strong a word—because it looks like the Democrats got everything on their wish list, while Republicans got almost nothing.

Thanks to the new budget, the Democrats can tell their excited base that the federal government will: 1) continue to fund planned Parenthood, 2) refuse to fund Donald Trump’s controversial border wall, on the border between the United States and Mexico, and 3) continue to fund “sanctuary cities,” despite Trump’s threats to the contrary.

In addition, the bill reportedly also includes a bailout to Puerto Rico, so it can continue to make its Medicaid payments, and blocks the Justice Department from going after medical marijuana. It also includes a promise that the bill will not target subsidies to Obamacare insures.

Republicans got $12.5 billion in new defense spending, about half of what Trump had asked for, and a paltry $1.5 billion for additional border security—which specifically cannot be used to begin construction on the border wall.

Despite the shocking capitulation from Republicans on virtually every issue, the Trump Administration is playing this as a win: Vice President Mike Pence, in a Monday morning interview with CBS, said that the Administration “couldn’t be more pleased” with the budget result.

This budget, if passed by Congress and the Senate, and signed into law by President Trump, will fund the government through September—when, presumably, the next chapter in the budget fight will ensue.


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