Trump Goes On The Offensive Against This Senator

President Donald Trump ripped into Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) on Thursday for his criticism of Trump’s response to white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Va., tweeting that he was telling a “disgusting lie” and could not forget his “election trouncing.”

Trump has been under fire since a Tuesday press conference during which he declared “both sides” carried blame for violence in Charlottesville and said there were “fine people” on both sides.

Graham accused Trump of “dividing Americans, not healing them” and said he encouraged him to try to bring the nation together.

“Through his statements yesterday, President Trump took a step backward by again suggesting there is moral equivalency between the white supremacist neo-Nazis and KKK members who attended the Charlottesville rally and people like Ms. Heyer,” Graham said. “I, along with many others, do not endorse this moral equivalency.”

  1. Lindsey Graham is a lying good for nothing RINO same as he who Graham vilified. Graham is BTNA (Big Talk; No action). He is always telling us to just wait. Well, Lindsy, you gutless wonder we are waiting no longer. You don’t deserve your seat in the Senate.


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