As if California needed more undocumented Democrats debasing democracy, a judge ruled that the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) must automatically register its rolls to vote, which includes illegal immigrants. California has long offered drivers licenses without verification of citizenship.
California’s Department of Motor Vehicles is set to implement the judge’s ruling on April 1st, whereby all who hold a license will be eligible to vote. The League of Women Voters, in conjunction with La Raza and other groups, sued the state of California because filling out a voter registration form and a driver’s license application was argued to burdensome.
California started this process when Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation in 2015 to update the state’s motor voter law, which requires their DMV to forward records for all eligible applicants to the Secretary of State’s Office for registration unless those applicants elect not to register to vote. The liberal groups mentioned above sued the state in May of 2017 over the separate form, which would have filtered out immigrants who knowingly did not register.
This move comes as California Democrats move to further tighten their grip on state politics, where they own all statewide and federal offices. This serves to empower Democrats to mop up pockets of Republican resistance, win some new House seats and leave Sacramento unchecked.
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