Trump Destroys Oprah With New Nickname

President Trump isn’t afraid of many things, and an Oprah campaign just isn’t one of them. He called out her biased panel questions on CBS’ 60 minutes.

Among Oprah’s leading questions to a Grand Rapids, Mich. group of voters, she referred to polls, without sourcing, that claimed respect for the United States was “eroding” under Trump. She asked, “there have been some members of Congress, including Republicans, questioning his stability and fitness for office,” she said. “What do you think of that, and do you believe he has the temperament to be president?”
Liberals openly pined for an Oprah Winfrey presidency after her appearance at the Golden Globes. She contributed to liberals’ disappointment by saying she wouldn’t be running because it wasn’t “in her DNA”. 
Trump ripped Oprah on Twitter over the weekend, saying, “The questions were biased and slanted, the facts incorrect. Hope Oprah runs so she can be exposed and defeated just like all of the others! “.  Tune in to Trump Train News to see if the feud continues.

[RELATED: Trump’s Greatest Nickname Takedowns]

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