Trump Unveils Perfect 2020 Reelection Slogan

While campaigning in Pennsylvania this weekend for Republican Rick Saccone, President Trump dropped his 2020 campaign slogan on the eager crowd. From the Washington Examiner

” ‘Our new slogan…is going to be ‘Keep America Great!’ he said to cheers and emphasizing the exclamation point. But we can only do that if we elect people who are going to back our agenda and fight for our values,” the president said.
Trump also explained why he can’t use the same slogan he had in 2016, ‘Make American Great Again,’ which has become a favorite among Trump supporters who wear red hats with those words embroidered onto them. ‘I already did that. Right? Right?’ he said Saturday.

The president’s speech, which went on for more than an hour, touched on a wide range of topics, including poking fun at Democrats like Rep. Maxine Waters and media personalities like Chuck Todd

[A]nd broached the topic of the death penalty for drug dealers.Towards the end of the speech, Trump said people would be ‘so bored’ if he started acting ‘presidential.’ “

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