WSJ Calls Out Fake News Against NRA

Liberals have been peddling a fake news story on Russia again only this time, against the National Rifle Association. Why stop at defaming the president? Why not smear gun-owners AND the president with ties to Russia, all at the same time? Yes, they are that crazy; that’s why the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberly Strassel burst their bubble last week in her column. 

From Kimberly Strassel at the Wall Street Journal

“… This January, the House Intelligence Committee released its transcript of Mr. (Glenn) Simpson’s November testimony, in which he regaled incredulous committee Republicans with a wild new tale—of how the Russians had “infiltrated the NRA.” Fusion GPS had “spent a lot of time investigating” a “Mafia leader named Alexander Torshin” and a “suspicious” and “big Trump fan,” Maria Butina. Mr. Simpson provided zero detail to back up this claim—no names, dates, money transfers or specific actions.

But never mind. The day Mr. Simpson’s conspiracy-laden transcript was due to go public, McClatchy ran this headline: “FBI investigating whether Russian money went to NRA to help Trump.” The story cited only two unnamed “sources familiar with the matter.” The article admitted it “could not be learned” whether the FBI had any evidence involving the NRA, but it nonetheless went on at length about the group. A flurry of articles from other news organizations followed … All still based on nothing but Mr. Simpson’s infiltration claim.

… The NRA flatly denied the accusation. … It also reported it had had no contact with the FBI. House Intelligence Committee Democrats nonetheless last week issued a document demanding they get to continue investigating the “NRA’s relationship” with Mr. Torshin and Ms. Butina as well as … Washington lawyer Cleta Mitchell, who hasn’t done legal work for the NRA in a decade.” cited the following outlets for spreading the fake news hysteria: Associated PressBusiness InsiderNPR, and New York Magazine.


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