Did Trump Scare The Eyebrows Off Of Trudeau?

The internet is abuzz with a new viral image. During an interview at the G-7, it appears that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s eyebrow was falling off. This comes after a contentious exchange between him and President Trump. It looks to be a lighting issue, but you should decide for yourself.

According to The Daily Wire:

Let’s get this straight right from the get-go: We are not saying that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wears fake eyebrows.

But lots of other people are.


There’s even a brand-new account on Twitter, “Trudeau’s Eyebrows,” which at last count had 178 followers.


This has all prompted some heavy-duty investigation.


This is all speculation. Did Trump shake Trudeau so much that his eyebrow fell off or was it just a lighting issue? Either way, it is hilarious.


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