Trump Launches ‘Space Force’

President Donald Trump has announced a new defense force. This one focusing on out of this world threats. Trump has directed the Pentagon to launch a new ‘space force’.

According to The Daily Wire:

After several months of conversation on the subject, President Donald Trump finally announced Monday that he will ask the Pentagon to create a sixth military branch designed to handle space, space-faring activities, and lead any eventual war we might end up fighting with extra-terrestrials.

The new branch of the military, temporarily known as the “Space Force,” will be “focused solely on space,” CNBC reports.

Trump made the announcement Monday morning at a meeting of the National Space Council.

“I am hereby directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces,” Trump told the group.

This has been on Trump’s radar for some time. And President Trump gets things done. 

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