Trump Approval Numbers At Record High

On Monday a new poll was released giving President Trump some very good news. The Gallup poll showed Trump’s approval numbers at record highs.

According to The Daily Wire:

On Monday, Gallup released its latest weekly poll measuring the job approval rating of President Trump, and despite the furor from the Left over the Trump Administration’s immigration policies, Trump’s approval rating tied the highest levelof his presidency. Trump’s approval rating rested at 45%, with 50% disapproving.

The only other time Trump’s approval rating reached 45% with Gallup was on January 29, 2017, almost immediately after his inauguration.

Between June 10 and June 17, Trump’s approval rating rose three percentage points, likely because of his meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

The Rasmussen poll actually had Trump at 48%. Despite the vicious attacks by the left, using only emotion and not facts, Trump is winning. Americans are getting back to work while President Trump fights on the world’s stage.


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