Anti-Trump NBC Issues Correction Over Fake Report

NBC News was caught making a major speculation about President Trump and Justice Anthony Kennedy. Apparently, they struck a deal if Trump picked a replacement that was approved by Kennedy. The only problem is, the media used the old tactic of only naming “a source’.

According to the Daily Wire:

The blowback to claims by an NBC News reporter about a supposed “deal” between retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy and Donald Trump over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh has come swift and strong, prompting a partial retraction and a “clarification.”

In claims highlighted by Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey, NBC News’ Leigh Caldwell said she heard that the last few weeks was all a big show because Trump and Kennedy had worked out a deal way back in November to replace him with Kavanaugh.

Caldwell has since backpedaled furiously on the claim, deleting the first tweet and issuing an explanation, which notes that her source was “not directly part of the talks” and the premise of the initial claim was false.

“I’ve deleted this tweet because it incorrectly implies a transactional nature in Kennedy’s replacement. I am told by a source who was not directly part of the talks that Kennedy provided Pres. Trump/ WH a list of acceptable replacements,” she wrote. “Kavanaugh was the only one who was thought conservative enough to consider, I’m told. They added Kavanaugh – and 4 other names – to the public Federalist list that Trump would choose from in November. We are continuing to report this story.”


This looks like another attempt by the left to stir up controversy where none exists. Brett Kavanaugh has impeccable credentials and his confirmation process should be fun to watch.


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