Trump’s UN Ambassador Does What Obama Never Could

Trump’s UN Ambassador scored a huge win recently. Getting an arms embargo against South Sudan was something the Obama administration worked hard to get passed, but Haley was the one to get it passed, even if it was barely.

According to Fox News:

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has chalked up another win, securing an arms embargo on South Sudan — something that eluded the Obama administration.

South Sudan, which declared its independence from Sudan in 2011, has been beset by conflict and violence since 2013. But an arms embargo resolution introduced by the U.S. during the Obama administration was rejected by the Security Council in 2016.

The resolution on Friday squeaked through, only picking up the nine votes necessary to pass. France, the Ivory Coast, the Netherlands, Kuwait, Peru, Poland, the U.K. and Sweden all backed the U.S. While no members voted against the measure, Russia, China, Bolivia, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia and Kazakhstan all abstained. 

The resolution also imposes a travel ban and asset freeze on a top South Sudanese official, as well as a former army chief. Opponents of the arms embargo had warned that it could derail peace talks, with South Sudan’s representative describing the resolution as a “slap in the face.”

This is a big win for Haley who has used a hardline approach since becoming the ambassador. The Sudanese people win, and so does the region with this embargo.


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