CNN Gets Reality Check

CNN recently posited the question of when was the last time a president sided with America’s enemies. They seem to have forgotten all of the acts their beloved president Barack Obama did while he was in office.

According to Town Hall:

It’s as if the past eight years never happened. In the wake of the Russia collusion hysteria engulfing the Democratic Party and the liberal media, the Left is becoming obsessed with this notion that Donald Trump committed treason. It reached a boiling point after Trump’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. It was not Trump’s best moment. There could have been legitimate criticism lobbed his way. Instead, we got a meltdown of epic proportions. The outrage machine was set to 11. So, as Russia-Trump-Treason Theater reached its 90th Act, in which not a shred of solid evidence to corroborate collusion has been found, CNN decided to ask “what happened the last time a President chose America’s enemies over its friends?” The piece discusses Reconstruction and Andrew Johnson, as if we have to go that far to find what this person thinks is an example of an American president chose our enemies over our allies. Uh, do you remember Barack Obama and the Iran deal? Yeah, that seems like a prime example:


Yeah, the horrible economic agenda that’s created three million new jobs, increased wages, yielded the lowest unemployment rate in nearly two decades, and produced the best consumer and small business confidence numbers in years. Yeah, his agenda is really, really bad…for those who can’t see the forest through the trees. The notion that the GOP is anti-democratic because Hillary Clinton lost is hilarious. Liberals have no sense of history and this CNN is Exhibit A in that regard. 

The Democrats love to live by a double standard and this is just another example of that.


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