Dirty DOJ Official Called Out For Trump Bias

Bruce Ohr the infamous DOJ official who exhibited great anti-Trump bias, and whose wife helped craft the dirty dossier has been called out by a former DEA agent.

According to The Daily Caller:

WASHINGTON–A former agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Agency’s Special Operations Division called in to the Mark Levin Show Thursday night and wondered if Bruce Ohr prioritized other issues over his previous job as director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force.

The agent, Derek Maltz, detailed to Levin how illicit American businesses were funneling money to terrorist organizations, and that his suspicion was Ohr either sidelined or ignored his responsibility to track these businesses in order to pursue a political agenda against the Donald Trump campaign.

Ohr is a key Justice Department figure in the Congressional Russia investigation whose wife Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS, the opposition researchers behind the Democrat-funded and Christopher Steele authored anti-Trump dossier.

According to a report from The Hill, Bruce Ohr had communicated with Steele after Steele had reportedly cut ties with the FBI.

The stories of anti-Trump bias are plentiful, but when they affect the security of our nation they become even more problematic. Will Mr. Ohr be investigated, or allowed to walk free?


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