Cohen Lawyer CAUGHT In Massive Lie

Michael Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis, a known Clinton associate, has been caught in a massive lie. CNN reported that Cohen was willing to tell Mueller that Trump knew about the Trump tower meeting with the Russian lawyer. Davis confirmed this report when contacted by CNN.

This was false, and Davis was forced to issue a correction for spreading lies.

According to the New York Post:

Michael Cohen told Congress that he had no idea whether President Trump knew ahead of time about the 2016 Trump Tower meeting that included Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer, a report said Thursday.

CNN reported last month that Cohen was willing to testify to special counsel Robert Mueller that Trump knew in advance of the meeting, during which the Russian lawyer offered “dirt” on then-candidate Hillary Clinton.

When The Post called Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, at the time to confirm the report, he said as an anonymous source that it was accurate.

But Thursday, Davis, speaking on the record, apologized for confirming something he did not know to be true.

Mr. Davis has made some salacious claims about the president recently. This new report calls into question Davis’ credibility on any ‘facts’ he offers.


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