Reporters Secretly Think Acosta is an Embarrassment

**[BREAKING UPDATE: Acosta’s Press Pass Restored]**

Although the reporters will not discuss their true feelings about Jim Acosta publically reports indicate that they are not big fans of the CNN reporter. Reporters apparently think Acosta is an embarrassment and actually treats the president poorly. This, of course, has to be their private opinions or the media will attack them.

According to The Daily Wire:

Multiple reporters have privately complained about CNN’s Jim Acosta in recent days as the reporter continues to wait on a federal judge’s ruling as to whether he can at least temporarily restore the White House correspondent’s press credentials.

“A few CNN reporters told me that they’re embarrassed by Acosta & CNN,” Republican strategist Arthur Schwartz said. “A WH correspondent from a major network (not Fox) told me ‘This isn’t the Jim F*ing Acosta Show. We all hate him. He’s an a**hole and he actually is disrespectful to the president.'”


A member of the White House press corps told The Daily Wire this afternoon that “Acosta’s one-man show is a lot less about asking the president tough questions than it is about aspiring to [get] his own show on CNN.”

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer revealed on Tuesday during an appearance on Fox News’ “The Story,” with Martha MacCallum, that he has heard similar remarks made by other members of the press that work with Acosta.


Acosta has tried to stretch the truth about the events that lead to his press pass being revoked. But it looks like journalists have taken notice, even if they can’t say anything publically for fear of retribution.


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