GOP Rep Claims Democrats are Holding Impeachment Hearings

Representative Jim Jordan is claiming that the Democrats are holding impeachment hearings but just aren’t calling them that. The GOP representative claims that these hearings are happening on a continuous basis.

According to Fox News:

Rep. Jim Jordan said Thursday he expects House Democrats to continue issuing subpoenas and holding “impeachment hearings” even though Special Counsel Robert Mueller found “nothing” in his 22-month probe.

Jordan, R-Ohio, spoke to “Fox & Friends” before the House Judiciary Committee began a hearing Thursday morning to review Mueller’s report with witnesses from think tanks and the legal community.

“They’re going to keep doing impeachment hearings, even though they won’t officially call it that. Like we’re doing today in the Judiciary Committee,” said Jordan

“They’re going to keep doing that even though Bob Mueller spent 22 months, $30 million, 19 lawyers — most of them Democrats, 40 FBI agents, 500 subpoenas, or witnesses, 2,800 subpoenas on the investigation and he concluded there was nothing there.”

Trump has claimed that the Democrats fight dirtier and like to hand out subpoenas like “cookies.”


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