Kavanaugh Accuser’s Friend was Threatened by Left to Lie About Accusations

Christine Blasey Ford, Brett Kavanaugh’s most publicized accuser, claimed her friend Leland Keyser was a witness to the alleged misconduct from Kavanaugh.

The problem is, Keyser denied seeing anything, and in fact, didn’t believe Ford’s claims.

Even worse, Keyser was pressured by Ford’s friends and liberals to lie about what she saw in order to corroborate Ford’s salacious claims.

According to The Federalist:

Buried at the end of their new book “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation,” reporters Robin Pogebrin and Kate Kelly quietly admit that Christine Blasey Ford’s lifelong friend Leland Keyser did not believe her friend’s tale of a sexual assault at a party they both supposedly attended. Keyser was named by Ford as a witness, one of four who denied any knowledge of the event in question.

The authors also acknowledge what had previously been reported in “Justice on Trial,” about the efforts of mutual friends to get her to change her testimony to be more supportive of Blasey Ford. The reporters say that some of Blasey Ford’s friends “had grown frustrated with Keyser. Her comments about the alleged Kavanaugh incident had been too limited, some of them felt, and did not help their friend’s case. Surely, given what a close friend Keyser had been, she could say more to substantiate Ford’s testimony and general veracity, even if she could not corroborate Ford’s more specific memories.”

A group text was formed in which friends such as Cheryl Amitay and Lulu Gonella discussed how to get her to say something more helpful to the cause. An unnamed man on the text suggested that they defame her as an addict. Keyser has been in recovery for some time, as her friends know and as has previously been reported.

As previously reported in “Justice on Trial,” Keyser continues to think about the story in which she was supposed to have played a part. She has both “logistical and character-driven” problems with it. Focusing on one of the angles that many women had trouble believing, she says, “It would be impossible for me to be the only girl at a get-together with three guys, have her leave, and then not figure out how she’s going to get home.”

Columnist Phil Kerpen had a great summary of the allegations and the malpractice of the New York Times:

Keyser was not ideologically supportive of the Kavanaugh confirmation, but she refused to cave to the left’s fear campaign and to ignore the truth for political expedience.

The impact of Leland Keyser’s moral character cannot be understated.

[READ MORE: Blasey Ford’s Motivation Behind Kavanaugh Accusations]


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