Trump Issues Powerful Legal Letter to Pro-Impeachment Democrats

The Trump administration has issued a powerful legal letter to pro-impeachment Democrats explaining to them why they will no longer willingly participate in their impeachment inquiry.

White House Letter to Speak… by Regina Zilbermints on Scribd

According to The Daily Wire:

The Trump administration all but made a “declaration of war on the House over the impeachment inquiry” on Tuesday in a letter from White House Counsel Pat. A Cipollone, who told House Democrats that the president would not comply with their “illegitimate proceedings.”

The letter listed the following three core reasons why the Trump administration would not cooperate with Democrats’ current illegitimate proceedings…

In a statement, White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham wrote: “The President has done nothing wrong, and the Democrats know it. For purely political reasons, the Democrats have decided their desire to overturn the outcome of the 2016 election allows them to conduct a so-called impeachment inquiry that ignores the fundamental rights guaranteed to every American. These partisan proceedings are an affront to the Constitution—as they are being held behind closed doors and deny the President the right to call witnesses, to cross-examine witnesses, to have access to evidence, and many other basic rights.”

Included with Grisham’s statement was the letter from Cipollone that dismantled many of the claims made by Democrat leaders in recent weeks and seriously damaged the credibility of their unofficial impeachment inquiry.

The Democrats will surely be upset that the Trump administration has epically and legally called their bluff like this.


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