The Trump administration has prosecuted a record number of immigration-related crimes for the fiscal year 2019.
According to The Daily Caller:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that it prosecuted the highest number of immigration-related offenses in fiscal year 2019 than it did in any other previous year on record.
U.S. attorneys’ offices prosecuted more immigration-related offenses in fiscal year 2019 — which began on Oct. 1, 2018 and ended on Sept. 30, 2019 — than it ever did when the government began keeping records more than 25 years ago, according to a DOJ statement obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. Crimes involved illegal re-entry, misdemeanor improper entry, and felony smuggling.
“These record-breaking numbers are a testament to the dedication of our U.S. Attorneys’ Offices throughout the nation, especially our Southwest border offices,” Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen said in a statement released Friday. “In addition to the usual workload of each case the Department prosecutes, this effort was made possible after our U.S. Attorneys’ Offices restored essential partnerships with national, state and local law-enforcement partners.”
A total of 25,426 defendants were charged with felony re-entry in fiscal year 2019, an uptick of 8.5% from the previous fiscal year. A total of 80,866 defendants were slapped with misdemeanor improper re-entry in fiscal year 2019, which broke a record set last by just over 18%. Additionally, 4,297 defendants were charged with alien smuggling in fiscal year 2019, a 15.4% jump from the previous year.
From 2010 to 2017 immigration-related prosecutions dropped but since 2018 they have begun to surge again.