Trump Jr. Calls Romney his Favorite Democrat

Donald Trump Jr. recently called Mitt Romney his favorite Democrat during a book tour promoting his new book.

According to The Daily Mail:

A morning TV anchor stumped Donald Trump Jr. on Tuesday with a parting request to name his ‘favorite Democrat’ – only to hear him come back seconds later with an answer: Mitt Romney.

Romney, a first-term U.S. senator from Utah, was the Republican Party’s presidential nominee in 2012. He lost to Barack Obama in a race that President Donald Trump called ‘winnable.’ 

The elder Trump filed trademark papers for his ‘Make America Great Again’ slogan less than two weeks after that election, fuming about the missed opportunity to drive Obama from office.

The president has said Romney ‘choked like a dog,’ and routinely frames him as a stealth liberal in a party that’s trending to the right.  

Trump Jr. also took the opportunity to express his frustrations on how the Democrats and media continue to move the goalposts in the attacks on the Trump administration.


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