White House Attacks Vindman’s Judgement

The offical Twitter account for the White House took a shot at Colonel Alexander Vindmen on Tuesday in a tweet which questioned his judgement. 

The tweet read that: ‘Tim Morrison, Alexander Vindman’s former boss, testified in his deposition that he had concerns about Vindman’s judgment.’

As The Hill reports:

The account attached a graphic of a quote from Morrison’s deposition illustrating that point. Morrison worked at the White House as an expert on Russia before leaving his position just before his deposition. 

The tweet reflected the willingness of the president and his allies to target their criticisms on Vindman, who is still detailed to work for the White House as part of the national security council. Attacks on Vindman emerged as a theme prior to and during Tuesday’s hearing, a risky move given his resume of military service and family history.

While Trump himself largely avoided personal attacks on Vindman and said he did not know the national security council staffer, his GOP allies on  the House Intelligence Committee sought to suggest Vindman was undermining President Trump’s agenda or was a source of concern among others in the administration.

Tim Murtaugh, the communications director for the Trump campaign, tweeted that Vindman “apparently believes that HE’S the one who makes & coordinates U.S. policy.”


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