House Dems Quietly Shelve Bill That Would Have Strengthened Police Unions


Democrats are continuing to hide their support for police unions by hiding a bill that would have strengthened then which was introduced by Democrats in 2019.

According to The Daily Wire:

House Democrats are dropping a bill introduced in 2019 that would empower and strengthen police officer unions as backlash builds against police union power.

Democrats are large union backers and generally push for broader union powers in the workplace. The issue has allowed Democratic politicians to claim to be on the side of workers while passing legislation favorable to some of the party’s largest donors.

Since the death of George Floyd, at least one facet of that support is waning. Democrats are backing off support for police unions as the groups are increasingly seen as one of the primary means of protecting police officers from responsibility for police brutality.

House Democrats are shelving bill H.R. 1154 that would have allowed all public safety workers, including police, to collectively bargain with the government over the terms of their employment, according to Axios. The bill was introduced by Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and co-sponsored by 225 other lawmakers, 206 of whom are Democrats.

Democrats are now looking to curb police union power. But it is unclear if this will hurt their union support in November.


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