ALL IN THE FAMILY This is Who Turned on Trump


President Trump’s niece Mary Trump is releasing a tell-all book this summer which will dive into “salacious” stories about the President, according to a report.

The outline of the book revealed Mary Trump was one of the main sources for The New York Times’ Pulitzer-winning investigation about Trump’s taxes and how he received millions of dollars from his father Fred Trump’s real estate business:

In the upcoming book, however, Mary Trump will out herself as a source for the Times and detail her involvement working with journalists Russ Buettner, Susanne Craig, and Barstow to crack the story, according to people with knowledge of the matter. 

The book will reveal other “damning thoughts” about Trump:

Details of the book are being closely guarded by its publisher, Simon & Schuster, but The Daily Beast has learned that Mary plans to include conversations with Trump’s sister, retired federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry, that contain intimate and damning thoughts about her brother, according to people with knowledge of the matte

Mary’s actions in helping the New York Times and publishing the book may stem from issues regarding Fred Trump Sr.’s will:

The bad blood between President Trump and his niece dates back 20 years to the fight over Fred Trump Sr.’s will and the actions he took to cut off financial and medical support for her brother’s ill child. Now that feud is about to spill out into the public eye during a critical election year, with the president struggling to shore up his plummeting popularity.

“My aunt and uncles should be ashamed of themselves,” Mary Trump said about Donald Trump and his siblings in that rare 2000 interview, which provides a preview of the tone.

The book is set to be published August 11th which is roughly two weeks before the GOP National Convention.


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