GOP Congressman Upset in Primary by Gun Rights Activist

Photo Courtesy: Lauren Boebert for Congress

Five-term Colorado GOP Congressman Scott Tipton was issued a stunning defeat in last night’s GOP primary.

Tipton, who was endorsed by President Trump, was defeated by small businesswoman and gun rights activist Lauren Boebert 55%-45%.

Boebert owns a restaurant called Shooters Grill where the staff can open-carry pistols in Garfield County.

Boebert accused Tipton of not being pro-Trump enough throughout her campaign and accused him of voting alongside Nancy Pelosi:

“In December, Scott Tipton voted alongside Nancy Pelosi to give millions of illegal immigrants amnesty and hand them a billion of our taxpayer dollars. In April, Scott Tipton joined AOC and her Squad to bailout Boulder. In June, I plan on term-limiting Scott Tipton,” Boebert said in an ad this month.

Trump endorsed Tipton by saying he is “a great supporter of the #MAGA Agenda! He fights for your #2A rights and the Border Wall.”

Boebert retorted that she didn’t believe the president had been briefed on Tipton’s voting record:

“I don’t believe President Trump has been briefed on Mr. Tipton’s voting record. Had he had known Mr. Tipton’s voting record, that endorsement would not have gone out,” she says.

Tipton may have been caught off guard in his crushing primary defeat. According to FEC reports, Tipton did not spend any money on television advertisements during his campaign.

Boebert’s unlikely victory over an incumbent Congressman wasn’t the first time she made political waves. In 2019, she confronted then-presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke over gun confiscation.

You can watch it here:

President Trump congratulated Boebert on her victory:

    1. Trump needs to STOP endorsing any candidates in the GOP primaries. STOP.
      Get out of the way & let voters decide based on local issues who they support.
      No more endorsements.

  1. Tipton, a Rino who votes with Pelosi – losing to a Pro-America, Gun Rights advocate, mother of four, independent business women who is a TRUE conservative is a “stunning loss” – are you guys smoking dope!? This is exactly what this country needs!!!

    1. Well said, PJ. Fiesty is a good word for this lady. Glad she stepped up and got rid of another RINO.

  2. Trump probably went along with the GOP recommendation, which normally supports incumbents over challengers. I can see why republicans would choose her.

  3. A great win for the ‘right’. What’s up with our President endorsing the wrong person or did he endorse the loser because Trump know that person that lose? Either way, not a good omen. That concerns me, we cannot lose this election in November. Can the polls be right favoring Biden, I sure hope not!

    1. The “polls” are about as right as they were 4 years ago, nobody knows who and where these so-called “polls” come from. I still believe it will be a LANDSLIDE victory for POTUS Trump!

  4. I wish President Trump had’t supported Lindsey Graham. We had a better candidate picked out in South Carolina, not a RINO!

  5. Hallelujah and congratulations to Lauren Boebert! I am sure she will be an absolute supporter and proponent of Trump. Congratulations, too, to the people of her district for having the wisdom to undo a 5 term Representative. In and out in no more than two terms, I say!


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