Ilhan Omar’s Home Paper Endorses Her Challenger

Lorie Shaull [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Ilhan Omar has suffered yet another blow in her quest for reelection. Her home newspaper endorsed Omar’s challenger citing concerns over her “ethical distractions,” and calling her someone who “wants to lead a movement” instead of serving the constituents of the 5th District.

According to The Daily Wire:

The Star-Tribune, the largest newspaper in the state, endorsed Democratic candidate Antone Melton-Meaux over Omar in an editorial published Wednesday. The race for Omar’s reelection has attracted millions of dollars in an effort to unseat the incumbent …

“Melton-Meaux brings a different sensibility to this race, one grounded in helping resolve disputes to move forward — a skill this country is much in need of,” the Star-Tribune says. “Whether it’s health care, criminal justice or affordable housing, Melton-Meaux appears progressive, but pragmatic. While Omar wants to lead a movement, Melton-Meaux seeks to serve the Fifth District.”

The editorial board contrasted Omar’s push to defund and abolish police departments and her embrace of a government takeover of the health insurance industry against Melton-Meaux’s more “pragmatic” approaches.

“Omar’s 2018 victory launched her into the national spotlight as the first Muslim woman and first refugee elected to Congress. But her time has been marred by missteps, including remarks on Israel …, an outsized number of missed votes, and campaign-finance issues,” the board continued, noting that “Omar has sent more than $1.6 million to her husband’s D.C. political consulting firm, E Street Group, and is herself the target of a Federal Election Commission complaint regarding travel expenses.”

The establishment has largely backed Omar. however. Nancy Pelosi recently funneled around $14,000 to her as her House race grew closer and more heated.

[READ NEXT: Pelosi Funnels Thousands to Omar Amid Expensive Primary Fight]


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