Here Are The Lies Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris Told at Her FIRST Speech

3.) Ebola Pandemic

“Six years ago, in fact, we had a different health crisis… It was called Ebola. We all remember that pandemic.”

Kamala Harris claimed that America took a pandemic head-on in the past and came out on top, the implication here is that the Trump administration failed at its duty to protect the American people. This like her other lies is complete junk and any highschool student worth their salt could figure this one out.

Kamala Harris is wrong considering the size and scope of the two pandemics, the Ebola primarily affected African nations and never to the extent of the Coronavirus. The reason the Ebola virus took off in Africa was because of low health standards in rural areas, the Coronavirus was a completely different beast that spread through the air as opposed to contaminated water. Nations in Africa were also quick to share information on the matter while China doomed the world by keeping the virus a closely guarded secret.