Trump Mocks Biden and Lays Out Plans for Second Term in Acceptance Speech

White House [Public Domain]

President Trump did what he does best on Thursday, he put on a show and this show had substance.

During the President’s 70-minute acceptance speech on the South Lawn, he mocked Biden’s “kisses” and laid out his plans for a second term.

According to The Daily Caller:

“We understand that America is not a land cloaked in darkness,” Trump told the more than 1,000 attendees gathered at the White House. “America is the torch that enlightens the entire world.”

Trump remarked that the speech’s venue shows the “miracle of our American story.” The White House, he added, has been home to America’s wartime presidents “who led our soldiers in the cause of freedom” before noting that America is currently waging war against a new “invisible enemy.”

Trump used the stage to mock his opponent, as well:

After mocking Biden for taking donations from blue-collar workers and giving them “kisses,” Trump proceeded to contrast his time in office with Biden’s 47-year political career.

Touting “historic criminal justice reform, prison reform, Opportunity Zones, and long-term funding of historically black colleges and universities, and “the best unemployment numbers for African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans ever recorded,” he claimed to “have done more in three years for the black community then Joe Biden has done in 47 years.”

Trump dropped the hammer when he stated that his administration has spent the last three and a half years undoing foreign policy decisions supported by Biden over the past 5 decades.

President Trump also strongly condemned the violence plaguing Democrat-run cities.

You can watch the full speech below:


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