The Fraternal Order of Police announced it is endorsing President Trump for reelection.
The organization which prides itself on being the nation’s largest police union unanimously voted to back President Trump for another term as Commander-in-Chief
They revealed the endorsement was made by canvassing more than 355,000 of its members across the country.
“Public safety will undoubtedly be a main focus for voters in this year’s election,” said Fraternal Order of Police National President Patrick Yoes. “Look at what the national discourse has focused on for the last six months. President Trump has shown time after time that he supports our law enforcement officers and understands the issues our members face every day. The FOP is proud to endorse a candidate who calls for law and order across our nation. He has the full and enthusiastic support of the FOP.”
“During his first four years, President Trump has made it crystal clear that he has our backs,” Yoes continued. “Our members know that he listens to the concerns of our brothers and sisters in uniform and is able to make tough decisions on the issues most important to law enforcement. President Trump is committed to keeping our communities and families safe.”
The organization represents nearly half of America’s 800,000 sworn police officers.
Of the last six presidential endorsements the organization made all but one candidate went on to win their bid for the White House. The organization endorsed Trump in 2016, declined to endorse in 2012 and the one candidate they backed that was unsuccessful was Senator John McCain in 2008.
Just last month, Trump received the endorsement of the New York City police union which you can read more about by clicking here.
Hey Biden got 175 former law enforcement officers to back him!!
Did he find them at his Alzheimer’s group?
was this the retired over the hill gang or the Keystone cops?
175 Out of 800,000…Sounds like a winner!!!
Really? I’m very proud of him , I wonder if he cares
Quid Pro Joe doesn’t care about anything except which flavor pudding is on the menu today.
What – did he just pick the stupid ones?
Any cop who votes for Biden and the democrats should never be allowed to carry a gun and should never be let out from behind a desk,a cop would have to be insane to vote for the lawless lefty’s,the threat he would pose himself and others is to great a risk to take.
Yeah, I’m so proud for him! Actually surprised there were that many!!
Good for the boys in blue to support the Law and Order President. As for the 175 retirees who back Joe, maybe they’re all in the same encounter group with Joe.
DC Mayor got what she deserves….everything that goes around comes around….now she can go cry..perhaps with the NYC mayor and Cuomo
The dummycraps are scared to death, hiden biden,slo,joe had to get out of his basement because it showing he has already fallen behind Trump. The polls are showing tied or Trump winning, so he gets out of his basement, and makes a dam fool out of himself like usual. This nincompoop is a joke, he couldn’t answer a question if they wern’t already set up for him.If this creepy,racist,perv, dementia, slo joe thinks he is going to be president he is dumber than he looks and speaks, his bff bathhouse barry soetoro says he doesn’t have it and never will,we agree. He also said don’t think slo joe can’t fk this election up, he already has,come on man, u know the thing “I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, i lie every time I open my pie hole ya know, if u don’t like it don’t vote for me. Thanks for pushing all them African=American votes Trump’s way they will win the election for him with 28=36% of the vote,36% of the Hispanic vote, the dumbocraps have no chance of winning. Game over, karma on it’s way for u.
Good only an idiot would put any faith in Biden
President Trump WILL NOT LOSE this election. Biden was only nominated because the Dems decided he “deserved” to be recognized. Biden is an idiot and even most Dems know that.
Every union member should support President Trump. He does everything that every worker wants! Higher wages, better working conditions, lower taxes, more jobs and better health and retirement benefits! Why many union leaders don’t support Trump baffles me! You ALWAYS get more when you negotiate from a position of strength.
Good for the police union for not going dim wit again as in years past. But watch the leadership, they might fund old senile Joe anyway. Hedging bets is what it is called for power or to power.
And would someone please shut the Fausi lunacy up? He wants a perpetuate the pandemic situation, forever to keep him relevant. Did anyone notice the pandemic is OVER even without a shot/vaccine. It has zoomed down to below 1% for mortality rates now that numbers are being checked and corrected. So, why are we still listening to these “experts” at all? Expert is another name for bought and paid for field knowledge idiots who think they know everything and will say anything for a moment of fame and money. Same as with “climate change” experts. Their models and projections are always never real and way OFF. All based on conjecture of false data correlations if that is even done. I think they pull it out of the hind ends.
of course they will endorse Trump. These guys are smart!!