Republican Senator Mitt Romney shocked many observers Monday by announcing that he would support a vote on the floor of the Senate to confirm President Trump’s nominee to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The move is sure to disappoint many Democrats who were counting on Romney opposing the vote.
As Politico reports:
Sen. Mitt Romney said he would support a floor vote on President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court, essentially clinching consideration of Trump’s nominee this year despite the impending election.
Just two Republican senators have asked for the party to put the brakes on the confirmation. And with a 53-seat majority, Senate Majority Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) now has the votes he needs to move forward with a nominee to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
“I intend to follow the Constitution and precedent in considering the president’s nominee. If the nominee reaches the Senate floor, I intend to vote based upon their qualifications,” the Utah Republican said in a statement.
Romney said he was merely following the law in making his decision rather than taking a position based on the recent blockade of President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, during the 2016 election. Romney said the “historical precedent of election year nominations is that the Senate generally does not confirm an opposing party’s nominee but does confirm a nominee of its own.”
Romney’s announcement means that President Trump’s pick to replace Ginsburg is almost certain to pass Senate confirmation.
The replies and quote tweets:
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) September 22, 2020
Great news! Hope he doesn’t change his “mind” before the vote.
I would love to see the expression on Liberal faces once they find out??
But will he vote yea for the nominee….
Knowing Romney the RINO he is just LYING about it !
He didn’t say he would vote to confirm! After they find someone willing to say Amy Coney Barrett was the ringleader of a rape train in high school in Louisiana Mitt will sadly have to vote no, even after the claim is proven false.
I think the democrats will take a different approach. They will give her the ‘religious test’, say she’s a bigot and get their armies in play. They will also scare people over Obamacare.
I believe they’ve been scaring people since May. It’s not popular. Burning cities has a very negative effect, even in liberal towns. Seattle people are voting Trump, even if they dislike him.
The Tactic of shouting “listen to us or we will burn our city down” is one of the strangest maneivers in an election year ever pursued. It really seems to be more indicative of a desire to Lose rather than to win.
Don’t think the Senate Dems will be able to influence the Senate Republicans because they will have the nominee vetted from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet and if not competent, qualified and “clean”…..will not be the nominee! In fact I would not be surprised to see one or more Dems, like Joe Manchin from WV, vote with the GOP!
Mrs. Barrett has the face of a Cerub. She’ll be confirmed by the Grace of God.
With the way the left works, I hope he beefs up his security detail. What he’s doing is almost as dangerous as having inside knowledge about the Clintons.
But did the cork soaking RINO say which way he would vote?
He will vote with the GOP! If he didn’t plan to vote to confirm he would have done as said Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski did and said NO to filling the seat now!
The lousy traitor bastard.
Settle please! Romney is on board to “fill that seat”, now! 👍
i just had a heart attack! Romney going in favor of the party is earth shattering. 🙂
RINO-Romney is a LIAR! Hmmmm…..was HIS name on the Lolita Express flight logs??
Don’t trust this RINO he’ll say anything the game back his popularity which he had done to begin with Romney is one that bar should be investigating he has a 12 million dollar house at La Jolla on the beach and jumps back between California and Utah one may I ask where did he get all of his money
I wonder if he still has the 11 acre lakefront estate on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire . “Located conveniently close to downtown Wolfeboro, it includes guest facilities, stables, a boathouse, breakwater, covered docks, basketball, tennis and volleyball courts, and a small, private beach.”
Great, but would almost like to see Mitch not count his (and other RINO) vote(s) if enough Democrats swing over.
Thank you! This is the right thing to do as the Constitution states.
I didn’t think he’d wait around to confirm an activist liberal judge. He’s too conservative for that.
There in not much Conservative about Romney. Not much loyal/ smart/ Republican/ HONEST. I could go one but you get the idea. I wish he would just switch parties and get it over with.
NO……He is on board to confirm the nominee and we sure do need his vote!
They only need 50 and then the VP is the final say….would prefer to have 51
Yes and we might get a Dem or two to vote with us!
Lets see if this RINO sticks to his word.
I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. He’s another McCain!
Well he had to go along with the vote, he’s up for reelection so. no matter which way he voted he’ll not be a senator next year
He does not run again for FOUR more years, he was elected in 2018 I believe!
He didn’t say he’d support the nominee.
Knowing what a RINO he is, he will probably vote against anyone Trump nominates.
Just because he would support vote I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled a McCain and voted no just to screw everything up…
AMAZING.!! Hope he doesn’t back down at the minute?
Wow, did he fall down and hit his head on something to knock some sense into him?
If he did, I’m glad he came up with a affirmative knot on his head!
I think he quit the Clinton big pharma medications and can now think clearly.
failure to fill this seat before the election would be an epic blunder
Yes….the blunder would be the Republican Senators who vote NO! Their constituents wouldn’t forget that come time for reelection, I’ll bet!
Good! And move it along fast. And that will end the wobbling on the SC on lawful not political decisions. Now the fence rider SC justice needs to retire as well. He is a rino at heart and can NOT be depended on just sticking to ruling on laws not making new laws out of old laws like the liberal SC judges do.
And when the dirt settled revisit the ok given by the SC back in the 90s that allowed big business to be donors by claiming it was their employees in total voting and donating with those now mega donors owning politicians. Time to reverse that ruling and take the billionaires out of ruling our country through the politicians. This is the right court to fix that. And now there is real facts behind the problem with mega donors. Let their employees donate on their own if they wish but end the politicians bidder donors.
Romeny = turncoat!
Romney knows the majority of voters he has in Utah are Pro-Life. Give him some slack folks. God decides on these matters. He alone can move hearts. Pray for this to be a good outcome, according to the Divine Will.. The Democrats are going to be angry that their sacrifices to Baal will be stymied or eliminated.
Well done Mitt Romney! Your assistance will be much appreciated and even more needed!
I would assume (based on previous votes he made) that he will either get more power in the Senate or the party. The man is a pansy and seeks any who will bolster his image of himself. He is nothing more than a single vote just like every Senator holding a seat. I do not like (never have) that any single person controls the party(void that out). If Pelosi or McConnell has the single decision to allow or stop a bill from being voted on by the whole body then why are we paying these hundreds of other persons?
What a relief! I feel good about Romney doing what he says he will do and vote for the SCOTUS nominee because he said the “magic words”! He said he would follow the Constitution which states DJT should fill the position now and he found no fault with the way the Republicans handled the Merrick Garland/BHO situation because it was a precedent or the usual way that kind of a situation is done! My words are not verbatim, I wrote mine for only clarification purposes.
I was so afraid Romney, because he despises DJT, would be spiteful and refuse to vote for the nominee! I am glad he is patriotic and will do the right thing! I also have never seen him say he would vote for something and then not do it……at least not yet. I was so worried about him and feel so much better after he addressed it publicly! Since he does what he says he will…….I choose to trust his word! Thank you Mitt!
This is welcome great news from the Senator from Utah.
So Mitch….. Will you vote yea for the nominee???
can anyone trust a man who believes joe smith found the holy grail under some farm dirt in missouri ?
All he said was he would support a vote. I think you all are jumping to a conclusion that he wouldn’t vote no on the person selected, just to spite Trump. I wouldn’t trust the bum any farther than I could throw him!
Every once in a while a turd comes out not smelling so bad.
I am of the opinion that every judge we elect must comply with the US Constitution as written. If this makes me a Conservative then I must be a Conservative. We have a problem today. We allow people in high positions of our government to interpret the US Constitution as they choose without complaint. These same people also tend to decide what laws should be enforced or what laws should not be enforced. Any law that passes through both houses of our Congress and is signed by our sitting President then becomes a law that must apply equally to ALL US CITIZENS, not just those who are Political Correct. Mitt Romey is a intelligent man and knows what Socialism will do to our US Constitutional Republic. In fact, if our elected officials want Socialism in America, they are NOT BEING US Constitutional Correct and should be asked to resign or leave voluntarily. SOCIALISM AND A FREE AMERICA IS NOT COMPATIBLE. There is no FREEDOM under Socialism. Why would any US Citizens want a political system dominated by the Political Elite when they have freedoms today they take for granted? Would it be fair to limit how mush a person can earn, then if they make anything higher in wages. this difference is then used to support those who do not work. Could US Citizens live under the thumb of government? Today citizens can protest. If a person protests under Socialism they become enemies of the State. Under Socialism the Political Elite determine what citizens get or what they can do. I for one am grateful and blessed to live in my America, knowing that I can do anything I choose to do as long as do not infringe on the rights of others.
Grrr I don’t trust Romney. I suspect he’ll change his mind later on. But we shall see
Looks like Mitt’s been given the word. Vote with the Senate Leader or risk your seat in the Senate as a Utah Senator. Most Mormons I know are pro-life. If you want to continue in political life then you better get with the program.
Hopefully, Murkowski also will vote with the GOP, even if it’s only to show Feinstein bullying is not nice.
Lets give him the benefit of the doubt now and if he turns, we deal with it then. In the mean time his constituents should positively reinforce his decision and urge him to vote for the nominee. Murkowski has a “policy” and wont change, however I think her constituents should make their opinions heard. Collins is lost cause her approval ratings are not great and she said she will vote no. She is not considering the merits of the nominee which is wrong, she is the one we should be ripping on. So to the people of Maine, let her know, make her see the light.
But, he didn’t say how he will vote.
I SINCERELY HOPE HE IS GOING TO VOTE FOR OUR NEW jUDGE!! . Senator did you not hear of her academics!! I don’t think you could even match her background! Don’t mess with us Republicans – you said you would support the nominee-DO NOT BACK OUT NOW WE NEED TO SAVE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND YOU WERE ELECTED TO BE A REPUBLICAN SO SENATOR I AM GOING TO SAY THANK YOU !
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