Business Owners Pledge Pay Raises if Trump Wins Re-Election

Gage Skidmore Flickr

Business owners have first-hand knowledge about how difficult it is to succeed, especially amidst these difficult and unprecedented times. Thousands of small businesses across America have been forced to shut their doors as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic and even more will be forced to close if Joe Biden is elected president. The increase in job regulations coupled with increased taxes will be enough to force business owners to make some difficult choices.

However, business owners are stepping up and affirming their faith in a steadily inclining economy will continue if President Trump is re-elected. These business owners are so confident that they have formed a new political action committee, Raise Up for Trump, aimed to directly “advocate for more business and people-first policies and combat those trying to drive a wedge between employees ad business owners.”

Raise Up for Trump’s message is simple. Business owners will pledge to increase pay wages across the board if Trump is re-elected. The business leaders will note the reason for the pay increase to employees to ensure they understand that the positive business climate in the country equals success for everyone.

In an article from Town Hall:

To continue the positive trajectory of our country, business leaders see the critical need to reelect President Trump. Under President Trump’s leadership, a continued renewal of the business, tax, and regulatory environment – and the return of law and order – that we all need to thrive – is anticipated.

The radical left is desperate to gain power back and using every trick in the book so that they can further their goals and ideology: pit workers against businesses, pack the Supreme Court with Leftist justices who can legislate from the bench, raise taxes even higher to further buy votes with “favors and entitlements.”  This is bad for our businesses, our workers, our economy, and our great country.

Alternatively, President Trump’s administration rescued a stagnant economy, created more jobs than ever before, lowered taxes, and created real opportunities for Americans to pursue their dreams by placing us on the right path. The recovery is already underway. To stop it now would be both foolish and dangerous.

Many companies already rewarded employees with the benefits that President Trump’s tax plan gave them by bringing their production home and bringing corporate taxes more in line with other developed “producing” countries. The business community can do even more in an extended Trump administration.

Raise Up for Trump exemplifies American’s trust that if President Trump is re-elected that businesses will be able to continue to grow and bounce-back from Coronavirus. Business leaders are confident that under Trump’s leadership that the economy will continue in its upwards trajectory and will lead to direct rewards for hardworking employees.


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