POLL: Majority of Republicans Would Vote for Trump in 2024

The White House from Washington, DC via Wikimedia Commons

A new poll indicates that most Republicans would vote for President Trump in 2024 should Joe Biden become president in 2020.

According to The Hill:

A majority of Republicans surveyed in a new poll — 54 percent — said they would vote for President Trump in 2024.

The Morning Consult-Politico poll released Tuesday found that 12 percent of GOP voters said they would choose Vice President Pence in the 2024 primary instead, while 8 percent said they would vote for the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr.

In addition, 68 percent of Republicans voters said they consider President Trump to be more in touch with the GOP’s “rank and file,” compared to 20 percent who said the same of congressional Republicans.

In addition, 71 percent said they considered the president to be more effective than Republicans on Capitol Hill, and an equal percentage said they considered him committed to the U.S.’s best interests.

Almost 25% of Republicans also believe that Republicans in Congress fear the President.


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