President-elect Joe Biden has tapped South Carolina’s Jaime Harrison to chair the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Harrison gained national notoriety as he fundraised a history-breaking amount in his unsuccessful campaign to unseat South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham. Harrison is the former South Carolina Democratic Chair and currently works as a DNC associate and senior counselor. Harrison also previously worked as an aide to third-ranking Democrat and huge Biden supporter James Clyburn. Biden’s selection of Harrison to head the DNC is a clear sign of the influence Clyburn has on the incoming Biden administration.
Fox News reports:
Former DNC chair Donna Brazile, a Fox News contributor, said Harrison was a logical choice to lead the national committee. “He knows the DNC and he knows the party structure,” Brazile noted. “He had good ties to the White House.”
Harrison will be formally elected next Thursday, Jan. 21, when the DNC holds its Winter Meeting. The annual gathering will be held virtually this time amid the coronavirus pandemic. The election will come one day after Biden is inaugurated as president. And while DNC committee members will vote for the chair, the real decision-maker in the process was Biden, who is now the leader of the Democratic Party.
One of Harrison’s jobs going forward as DNC chair will be fundraising. Harrison raised over $130 million last year in his Senate bid, with his $57 million third quarter fundraising haul shattering the previous single-quarter Senate race record. Harrison ended up losing the election to Graham by 10 points.
Harrison will also be charged with leading the national party through the 2022 midterms, as Democrats will try to hold onto their fragile House majority and expand their razor thin majority in the Senate. And he’ll be tasked with the difficult job of keeping the peace between the Democratic Party’s progressive and moderate wings.
Last week the Republican National Committee unanimously voted to re-elect Ronna McDaniel to steer the Republican Party.
Being chair of the Republican National Committee has been an honor of the lifetime, and I’m so honored to be re-elected.
We have a lot of work to do heading into 2022 and I'm ready to make sure Republicans up and down the ballot have the resources they need to win!
— Ronna McDaniel (@RonnaMcDaniel) January 8, 2021
Looks like the new 2021 cabinet consists of nothing but a bunch of Communists and RACISTs !
Don’t leave out CRIMINALS !!!!!
no wrong term – terrorist might appear to be the correct term ?
God help us all
And a few blacks…….
Birds of a feather……
And Obutthole rejects.
President Trump did more for this nation and it’s people than any other President in history. We the people who voted in this election did deserve to know the truth, that includes all people who voted. There are many Democrats that do not advocate thievery that was done in this election. Those ten states that did all of the criminal work need to finish the electoral vote for accuracy. We are entitled to know the truth. All Americans should have the facts. President Trump deserves to continue his honorable work for this country, he did nothing wrong. Those sad rioting people were overacting over their votes being stolen. They did not act with care in their actions.
Harrison is, pure and simple, just another low class race hustler. Always has been, always will be. And he’s fat as a pig.
You should not be insulting the pig by comparing it to a low life demoRAT.
LOL…demonRATS love their losers.
I’ll never vote democrat but name calling only adds fuel to the fire. Be better than them.
Well Dave, sometimes you need to fight fire with fire! Considering they at the very least want us all dead.
I agree with Dave. Be better. I’m a Strong Republican but Wld never resort to violence or name calling. Christian principles first. Everything else shd follow
I agree but should be “better than they”
Like Beto and Butthead!
Another radical but more so ANOTHER LOSER !!!!!
God help us all
He also has good ties to the Operation Steal the Vote scheme of the DNC..
All led from the rear by sleepy Joe!
This article could have been shortened to:
“He’s a good Communist, and has all the qualifications of a good Communist.”
Oh, and of course his main qualification:
“He’s black.”
Biden is nothing more than a puppet for Obama…
Somethings never change it’s been a fight to keep our liberties for many many years. And here we go again. Lord plz have mercy in all of our soles Amen
Max I agree with you, but please learn the difference between ‘sole’ and ‘soul’. The former being the bottom of your shoe.
souls please
and China and all of the other countries that have been forced to “HIRE” his son. Who won the race to see how much $$$ in pay for play Joe or Hillary?
This will be Obama’s third term. God help us all. All of Obama’s nasty retreads are back on the payroll.
Fully agree another or worse of Obama term coming up. God help us all the next 4 coming years with Left wing and fake news running this country…
Is it not true that if then Vice President Joe Biden knew and participated in the wiretapping of a Presidential candidate, he would not be eligible to be President?
Pay to play innocent
He knew all about the conspiracy to unseat President Trump. Do you not remember how some of the phone messages between Stzrok and Lisa ” Potus wants to know everything” Not to worry though–it will all be swept under the rug. I will not be surprised if Durham goes the same way as Bar. When is enough–enough? Where is justice for the abuse President Trump took for 4 years and at what cost to the USA not just in Money for the Demomarxists have torn apart the country.
It has not just been abuse. It has ben out and out SEDITION and TREASON against this entire Country!
Well this is what we get for electing the most spineless Republicans ever. Thank you for doing nothing for us when you had the opportunity.
Most of them were too busy hating Trump. That’s why we got nothing done. Trump had to fight the dems and the rinos.
I am pulling my support from the G.O.P. and supporting President Trump only.
I think the new name for the democratic party should be “the Racist Party”
How about the Delusional Dictator (D) Party?
Or Degenerate Delusional Dictator (D) Party?
Racism is nothing but foolishness. The more it is talked about, the worse it becomes. Let us try common sense. Does anyone even know what that is anymore? There is only one race. That race, is known as HUMAN. There are various complexions, which vary, from dark brown to light brown with various shadings from redish, to yellowish. All are very interesting. Some browns are so dark they almost seem black. The only truly white people are albinos. There are various genetic backgrounds. They are all very interesting. Other than being very interesting, none of this is of any importance, unless we are foolish enough to be willing to give it any importance. The moment we give it importance, it generates discord and conflict. We need to stop this foolishness. The only time lightness or darkness is important is when it concerns the heart. I do not refer to that organ that pushes our blood through our bodies. I refer to a more important heart, the center of our soul, our spiritual being. Whether it is dark or light is of extreme importance. We can do very little about the darkness or lightness of our complexions, but whether our hearts are dark, or light, is under our control. If our heart is dark, we are turned inward, toward ourselves, and our own desires, for wealth, and power, and pleasure. We are willing to sacrifice others to gain what we want. People who look different that ourselves can be seen as another race, and therefore, lesser beings than ourselves. If our hearts are light, as in lighted, we can see others with compassion, as fellow humans. Their physical appearance is of little consequence. It is the person who lives inside the body who is important. It is the color of their heart that is important, as is the color of our own heart. Let us all strive to turn toward the light. There is way too much darkness.
Everyone that helped in the e-lection fraud is now in bident phoney Cabinet.
“But this is going to be much bigger than just one account and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, and this week, and the next few weeks and go beyond the inauguration. We have to expect that, and we have to be ready for that.” Jack Dorsey Twit
Twitter and Facebook ARE NOT Private companies they have gone PUBLIC as they are publicly traded.
Mexican President Manuel Lopez Obrador, is also mounting an International Campaign Taking On Tech Companies After Trump Bans. All this “Conservative” sites should disconnect from Twitter and facebook use something else why anyone is sharing to FB or Twitter they are banning every conservative. Twitter down 15% from $52 to $45, from last week to today, make sure everyone keeps telling everyone else to help this is the war we are fighting.. This is the next path forward, first Blocksite twitter and facebook from your internet provider, the state of Idaho internet provider blocked them both, in North Dakota banned users can sue Twitter and Facebook. Use Ramble, GaB instead. Tech bubble is imminent, close twitter, FB, Instagram accounts, dump their stock if own any from your IRA, 401K check your mutual funds that have Twitter or FB included, Twitter down again, dump before they go to zero, stop buying from Amazon, NO more made in the CCP purchases, buy direct from the mom’s and pop’s stores near you, made in America only, don’t wait DO IT TODAY.