Outgoing CNN Exec had some Advice for Brian Stelter: Book More Conservative Voices

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Brian Stelter received some shocking advice from retiring CNN executive Rick Davis which the two discussed potential improvement to his program “Reliable Sources,” host more conservatives. Davis is CNN’s vice president of standards and practices and is retiring after over 40 years in the industry. Stelter hosted the CNN veteran on his program to discuss his decades-long list of accomplishments when Davis noted the possible improvement.

Fox News reports:

Stelter, who emerged as an outspoken critic of conservative media and regularly attacks news organizations that don’t mirror CNN’s hyper-partisan coverage, asked Davis what his program could do more of in order to become a show that appeals to a larger audience.

“I think you need to strive to have more voices on the show from right of center,” Davis said as Stelter nodded along.

“Responsible voices from right of center on the show,” Davis said. “And occasionally, when you can, you want to have some newsmakers on who can express to you how they feel about the media, particularly if they feel like the media got it wrong.”

“Reliable Sources” typically features a plethora of liberal quests and mainstream media heavyweights who ridicule conservative media organizations, usually without allowing an opposing voice to present the other side of the argumen

Stelter seemed to brush off Davis’s request for more conservatives voices as he continued praising his many years with the network. The advice comes amid a time when conservatives feel their voices are continually being silenced after President Trump and some of his supporters were booted from Twitter and other social media platforms.


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