Joe Biden lies. A lot.
The media narrative is Trump was a big liar and that Biden is a truth-teller. They have so much confidence that Biden won’t out-lie Trump that they are shutting down their tracking mechanism to do so. Read more about that story HERE.
Go figure.
The Daily Wire pointed out the 5 big lies from Biden and we have them here for you.
His claims about guns are the worst.
Why would we ever expect anything different from Biden?
Come’on man, only 5 lies. I didn’t hear it. I figure if his mouth is open and he’s talking he’s lying.
Strange all those “lies” Trump told came true, now didn’t they? I especially liked the one about the Covis19 vaccine. Poor old brainless Biden is trying to take the glory for that one. What a loser.
Biden’s told more than 5 big fibs. This guy is a walking lie factory.
He would blow up the lie detector if he was hooked up to it
Every damned word that came out of his LYING MOUTH was a FAT LIE !
Biden’s told more than 5 big fibs. This guy is a walking lie factory.
This creature can not tell the truth.
Biden don’t know how to tell the truth. He’s Senile. Needs to be in a nursing home not fit to be President
How do we know this is really Biden and not a look alike.., being told what to say
Put him in a New York nursing home and let Cuomo take care of him
Feeding us BS
Biden is an Habitual LIAR
We all know that winning the battle Ground States usually declares who the next U.S. President is. All the Battleground States changes their voting rules to commit voter fraud there. Imagine as Hard as Our past President worked and campaigned for the U.S. Citizens while Joe Biden was kept out of sight by his campaign managers. These Voting rules changes had to be approved by each of those States Legislature and they weren’t. And that’s not Voter Fraud. Imagine President Trump being up 750,000 votes I believe in Pennsylvania and Lost by 70,000 votes on the last day. How about that semi tractor trailer bring many pallets of votes from New York to Pennsylvania to be counted. AG Barr was afraid to bring up Hunter Biden’s misdeeds with the Ukraine and China and Russia one and a half years before the Election. Apparently they didn’t want a Presidential Candidate tobe investigated prior to the Election. How About Candidate Donald J. Trump who was being spied on and then after winning the Presidential Election they continued to investigate him for being an agent of Russia and in collusion with Russia to win the presidential election. That was Hillary Clinton who Colluded with Russia with the $10,000,000 she paid for the Fake Russia Hoax. She was never prosecuted for her wrongdoing. Also where the hell is John Durham with his investigation report on the Russia Hoax. Oh I forgot they spanked the hand of one of the Russia hoax investigators for changing info on a report. So far he is the only one. The Dems wanted to have President Trump removed from Office jus days before his term was to end and stop him for ever being allowed in Politics again. Do you think the Dems are afraid of Him. They should be for if he runs in 2024 He will definitely Drain the swamp and put 2 term limits on all Politicians.
Correction: The Dems wanted to have Trump removed from office BEFORE he even got in! They were talking “impeachment” before he could possibly do anything impeachable. Democrats are just the slimiest critters on the planet!
To: LJR Justice:
Your commentary caught my attention enough when I was skimming through most of the other ventilating comments expressing dissatisfaction (to which I support). However, most of it is just emotional ventilation about the outcomes of conventional social injustice that are an every day occurrence in our lives; especially when it relates to politics.
Your statement, “I WISH THE AUDITS WOULD GET FINISHED TO PROVE THIS PRESIDENT STOLE THE ELECTION” prompted me to respond back that the completion of what ever audits are occurring, do discover the election was fraudulently won and vindicates Trump (which I hope occurs), primarily is a key to open up a political Pandora’s box of chaos which will result in a massive cleansing process that although does need to be accomplished, will most likely not provide justice but further adversely effect the country.
….and if proven the election was stolen, what would be the fallout consequences from “the perfect crime” ? Put aside the issues of justice in punishing the guilty. More relevant is addressing the national security on behalf of our country. This (“alleged”) crime is not (I don’t believe) is covered adequately under the Constitution. In fact, the verdict of concluding the election was stolen places the legal correction into a process of uncharted political grounds as to how it would function as a democracy.
Who would be the guilty party? All dissenters are looking for those to hang! However today’s problems go much deeper than an occurrence in a great crime.
Going back to the Clinton and Obama eras (or even earlier) members in Congress have prioritized their positions to serve primarily their parties and personal interests OVER the needs of the country. On both sides of the isle, many members have lost their patriotic objectivity to serve their country instead with corrupted management leadership within the legislative body. This has eroded this country to have been helplessly steered towards a “no win” set of circumstances that the country is facing today.
Members within the Democratic and Republican parties destroyed the purpose of the Legislative branch of government thereby rendering Congress as useless and dysfunctional as this country’s protecting branch to rescue America. They are supposed to represent the people (the country) but don’t. All you have to do is look at the national surveys of their leadership confidence ratings. Yet they are elected to return term after term to continue their same dysfunctional level of leadership after the election.
This reflects that “WE THE PEOPLE” cannot even find common ground to save this nation.
Your commentary caught my attention enough when I was skimming through most of the other ventilating comments expressing dissatisfaction (to which I support). However, most of it is just emotional ventilation about the outcomes of conventional social injustice that are an every day occurrence in our lives; especially when it relates to politics.
Your statement, “I WISH THE AUDITS WOULD GET FINISHED TO PROVE THIS PRESIDENT STOLE THE ELECTION” prompted me to respond back that the completion of what ever audits are occurring, do discover the election was fraudulently won and vindicates Trump (which I hope occurs), primarily is a key to open up a political Pandora’s box of chaos which will result in a massive cleansing process that although does need to be accomplished, will most likely not provide justice but further adversely effect the country.
….and if proven the election was stolen, what would be the fallout consequences from “the perfect crime” ? Put aside the issues of justice in punishing the guilty. More relevant is addressing the national security on behalf of our country. This (“alleged”) crime is not (I don’t believe) is covered adequately under the Constitution. In fact, the verdict of concluding the election was stolen places the legal correction into a process of uncharted political grounds as to how it would function as a democracy.
Who would be the guilty party? All dissenters are looking for those to hang! However today’s problems go much deeper than an occurrence in a great crime.
Going back to the Clinton and Obama eras (or even earlier) members in Congress have prioritized their positions to serve primarily their parties and personal interests OVER the needs of the country. On both sides of the isle, many members have lost their patriotic objectivity to serve their country instead with corrupted management leadership within the legislative body. This has eroded this country to have been helplessly steered towards a “no win” set of circumstances that the country is facing today.
Members within the Democratic and Republican parties destroyed the purpose of the Legislative branch of government thereby rendering Congress as useless and dysfunctional as this country’s protecting branch to rescue America. They are supposed to represent the people (the country) but don’t. All you have to do is look at the national surveys of their leadership confidence ratings. Yet they are elected to return term after term to continue their same dysfunctional level of leadership after the election.
This reflects that “WE THE PEOPLE” cannot even find common ground to save this nation.
Only 5 lies? Now that’s the biggest lie in itself.
Only truth was that his proposed policies will destroy us and the country.
Just sent an E-mail to the W.H..A total JOKE! These people have no CLUE! It’s Psaki’s “same old, same old”.We’ll NEVER find out ANYTHING from this “crew”. AND “WE” never WILL! “If” I ever get a response, I’ll pass it on. FAT CHANCE!
What do you expect a hair sniffing from pervert.
“Joe Biden lies. A lot.”
What an understatement. It is an extremely rare event, if it happens when Joe fails to lie.
A biographical book about him should be titled “Lie your way to success while failing others.”
What do you expect from senile crook.