When former President Trump and Republican lawmakers first claimed that the COVID-19 virus could have escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China the media immediately flagged the claim as a conspiracy theory. However, now the theory which was once called fake news is now gaining traction and credibility with the very sources that attempted to “debunk” it.
These media outlets got it wrong on Covid and now owe conservatives an apology:
The media was in bed with the democrats hiding the truth anything to get Trump
IMHO, China tested the spread of a “biological” weapon…
No Republican should give any interview to the media or go on any television type of talk show unless they agree not to edit his or her comments and unless he or she gets to say on the air or in the print that the media is now chasing everything that Donald Trump said.
They owe Trump an apology. Is it so hard to acknowledge that Trump was right?
for democrats it is….
Bring in the clowns! Oh that’s the news media worse than scary clowns. Believe just the opposite of whatever the media is peddling or just ignore them.
LISTE N UP….I Will Continue to HELP PREZ TRU MP as GOD Has APPOINTED Me to DO. I Will Also HELP…TRUMP SUPPORTERS…CHRISTIANS…ISRAEL etc G OD will Let Me INTERVENE to a CERTAIN Extent. I Have to Give GOD 100% for the WORK HE has ME DO…on Planet EARTH and Out in the GALAXY. From Sa muraiQueen. 😄😄😄
Oh Oh Elizabeth…!
Alot of good it will do the damage has been done, the ” I Sorry” would be nice if they did it while on their knees in Florida.
I urge those in this forum to read “The America We Deserve” by President Trump. It’s as if he was talking about today.
“The Media owes Donald Trump an apology!” DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH.
And we should no longer refer to these reprobates as “The Media”. They are the Democrat Propaganda Spewers. They have ZERO journalistic integrity.
A.K.A. Provda west!!!
All these media “experts” should go to hell. They sure think they know everything and need to “educate” us. It is time they reeducate themselves into honest, real truthful reporting.You would think they would be embarrassed when they keep having to “circle around.”
The. Media. Should. Be. Sorry. For. Being. So. Harsh. On. Trump. He. Was. In. The. Right. All. Along. That. Virus. Did. Come. From. That. Lab.
DjT was right most ppl knew this
I trust the Donald more then any other president and if course Ronald R our 2 best presidents ever in mylife time.
The Media is all owned by the left and they spew the lefts propaganda like theirs no tomorrow. They are all systematically taking down our liberties so they can take full control of every aspect of our lives. The elites want it all and this is what’s been going on. Barry is the top man except for his boss soreass . They have been together ever since before college. A plan in the making for 30 years. It’s all about buying and paying everyone off. The deep state is huge and the elites are using money made from you and me against us. Just like Barry did used our tax money against the American ppl and he is doing it again through Obiteme . This is your root to all evil and it spans world wide. America is the boss and it’s ppl better start acting like it. God bless
Trump was proven right time after time. When will people learn that what the see and hear from the so called news media is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the Marxist/Democrat party. People should outright reject anything they say or write as time and again it is proven to be lies, distortions, half truths, and misquotes. Before you believe anything in the news, check the sources thoroughly. If you don’t want to spend the time looking for the truth, I suggest you simple dismiss what you’ve heard or read as non fact based.
Waiting for the media to apologize is akin to expecting Hillary to do the same about Her (bought & paid for) Russian Pee Pee Story.
anything controlled by democrats will always get anything, everything wrong….especially when it comes to the truth…
Just quit “reading” AND BUYING these papers. While you’re @ it, watch One America News for the TRUTH & STOP watching other “news” channels that give us NOTHING but LIES, unproven , made up stories, AND are run by idiots. I have a brain & can figure things out for myself. I don’t need Ben Rhoade’s brother (CBS News) to give me White House spin. Ben was Obama’s chief-of-staff. Nifty how the Dems did this AND GOT AWAY WITH IT! Nifty how they “packed the ballot boxes” too! The DEEP STATE is NOT “just ” Washington, D.C., but EVERY Dem run “city”, “burg” & state government. They’ve been in there TOO long, & it’s “time” to ATTEMPT to “vote” the bums out. This can ONLY be done with “clean elections”.The machines hafta go!
The MEDIA should be on it’s knees, for the ruthless abuse they put upon President Trump-