Top General Predicts Uptick in ISIS Attacks Heading into Summer

Screenshot from ISIS training video

On Tuesday, the top U.S. General Kenneth McKenzie warned that ISIS will likely ramp up its attacks this summer as the Taliban struggles in its effort to shut down the terror group in Afghanistan.

Fox News reports:

“The Taliban is attempting to maintain pressure on ISIS. They’re finding it difficult fo do so,” McKenzie said in response to a question from Sen. Angus King, I-Maine.

McKenzie noted that in recent months ISIS has carried out “some high-profile attacks” in Afghanistan, including in the capital city of Kabul. This, he said, was even before the time of year when such attacks are typically on the rise.

“We’re coming out of the winter; traditionally this would now begin the fighting season,” McKenzie said. “It is my expectation that ISIS attacks will ramp up in Afghanistan as we go into the summer.”

McKenzie was not confident at all that the Taliban would stop al Qaeda from being active, saying he believes that “they’re much less firm on the al Qaeda issue as far as opposing them and being able to limit them.”

The Taliban quickly retook control of Afghanistan as American forces withdrew. During the U.S. withdrawal, ISIS-K carried out a suicide bombing at an airport in Kabul which killed 13 U.S. service members.

    1. Yep Eddie, gotta love it.
      Oh, and meanwhile, shut up about it. If you go against the regime, they’re coming for you.

      1. Three weeks from now you will wish you had started today. Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site. GOOD LUCK….. 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐏𝐀𝐘𝟏.𝐜𝐨𝐦

  1. Oh really??? Who would of thunk?
    Hey joe, how many Americans are left behind?
    Anyone noticed that this story has been buried and no longer discussed?
    What Americans are proud of their vote for this disaster? Maybe when you can’t find food or can’t afford gas for your car.

    1. Many, already can’t afford the gas for their car. We sure aren’t seeing reporting on those folks. This administration doesn’t care about those folks. The charity and welfare rolls are growing daily.

    1. We need a Congress that can pass some good laws. We do not need one more Senator or 5 more Congressional Representative, we need 60+ Senators and 535 Congressional Representatives in the House that support this Nation and want to make it great again. I would settle for 354. Make the Executive Branch insignificant and reduce it’s powers to level originally intended. Take the time to balance the budget and remove Federal branches that do nothing but duplicate and supersede States laws and rights.

  2. A friend who recently returned to America after living in South Africa, said to us here in SA “Joe Biden ahs really ######3 messed up America!

  3. As the “Taliban struggles” or “The Taliban is attempting to maintain pressure on ISIS”. Should I laugh or cry? The Taliban probably funds and trains ISIS.


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