Appeals Court Decides Fate of Trump’s Tax Returns

President Donald Trump giving remarks in the White House Rose Garden on May 30, 2020. Via Wikimedia Commons.

A three-judge appeals panel for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously sided with the Joe Biden administration and the Democrat-lef U.S. House Ways and Means Committee that the IRS must hand over 45th President Donald J. Trump’s tax returns.

The Hill reports:

“The 2021 Request seeks information that may inform the United States House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means as to the efficacy of the Presidential Audit Program, and therefore, was made in furtherance of a subject upon which legislation could be had,” Judge David Sentelle wrote in the panel’s opinion.

“Further, the Request did not violate separation of powers principles under any of the potentially applicable tests primarily because the burden on the Executive Branch and the Trump Parties is relatively minor.”

Sentelle was appointed by former President Reagan. The two other judges on the panel, Karen Henderson and Robert Wilkins, were appointed by former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Obama, respectively.

Attorneys representing Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

  1. What can you expect when the Dummercrats control everything and even the GOP. They want to be winners like the dummercrats. To beat a dummercrat you have to play their game only cheat better. What happens to the hens when all guards are fox? Simple. The elections are under dummercrat control. Watch. Voters did this and voters cannot undo it. Too much free stuff. Dummercrats hold everyone’s purse strings now. GOD help us all. Where is NOAH when he is needed?

  2. We are not a communist nation,selling out our country, for personal gain as bidens fanily have done for years. America first for all our people not just a few like Kerry an the democrats in power today.They serve China first, disguised as Americans only for their own self interest.

  3. Okay then, when the Republicans take control of the House and/or Senate, they can request copies of President Biden’s tax records in their investigations. The precedent has now been set by this ruling… Two can play that game now. The Democrats have been warned over and over that what they do may come back and bite them in the ass. What goes around comes around. Boo Yah


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