August 17, 2022| By: TTN Staff| Politics | 22705 | 12 comments Share 34 Tweet 0 Email AdvertisementIt’s Time to FIRE Pelosi as Speaker. The FIGHT Starts today [CLICK HERE to JOIN]Steve Coulter Coulter insisted that Liz Cheney is not a “RINO” despite him being a Democrat. "Liz Cheney isn't a RINO" …says the Democrat who's crying that she's gone. — Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) August 17, 2022 AdvertisementIt’s Time to FIRE Pelosi as Speaker. The FIGHT Starts today [CLICK HERE to JOIN] Share 34 Tweet 0 Email Previous pageNext page Trump Takes Victory Lap After Liz the Impeacher Defeated Liz Cheney’s Fate Revealed TTN Staff