According to a new Rasmussen poll, 53% of voters now agree with the statement that there is “a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI … as Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo.” For reference, the Gestapo was the official secret police of Nazi Germany.
Conservative Review reports:
The sentiment resonates with Republicans in particular, with 76% agreeing with the statement. Democrats, on the other hand, mainly (57%) disagree. Among those affiliated with either party, 49% agree with the characterization of the FBI as President Joe Biden’s “personal Gestapo” and 38% disagree.
The statement was originally made by Roger Stone, an adviser to former President Donald Trump, in an November 28, 2021 interview on John Catsimatidis’ WABC 770 AM radio show. In the interview, Stone criticized both the FBI’s raid on the home of James O’Keefe, Project Veritas founder (conducted as part of an investigation into reports of a stolen diary belonging to Biden’s daughter Ashley), and what he argued was “harassment” by the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol Hill protests. Stone, himself, was subject to a pre-dawn FBI raid executed by over a dozen special agents in tactical gear in January 2019.
Rasmussen Reports conducted its survey of 1,000 U.S. likely voters on August 15 and 16, one week after the FBI raided the former president’s Mar-a-Lago residence.
In the survey, questioners asked: “Did the FBI’s recent raid on the Florida home of former President Donald Trump make you trust the FBI more or trust the FBI less? Or did the Trump raid not make much difference in your trust in the FBI?”
While more than half od Democrats who responded to the survey said the raid made them trust the FBI more, 70% of GOP voters said it made them trust the Bureau less. CR reported, ” Nearly half (46%) of unaffiliated voters said the raid made them trust the FBI less, whereas only 18% said it improved their trust of the agency.”
I like the idea of military tribunals before executing these democratic party traitors
Bet you can’t find any crimes other than resisting your Fueher.
You need to remove your head out of your asz.
D. Richard Tonge – Is that you Hillary???
I often fantasize about being the white middle of the oreo, between Bathhouse Barry and Big Mike! 😙
Polls always amaze me, where do they find these people? After what the FBI
did not do concerning the doctor and our gymnastic girls, what they excused
from Hillary, after saying she was guilty, and how they did nothing about the
archives for Obama , to find people that continue trust them? That says as
much about those that approve as it does the FBI.
Bad attempt at a diversion – they found the stolen classified documents. Why did Trump steal them; that’s the question.
Just the Trumpers
D. Richard Tonge = Troll
The FBI is totally corrupt,just ask wray. It needs to be dismantled,from it’s leadership, and fixed from the top down, to ever be trusted again.
Bet you can’t find any crimes other than resisting your Fueher.
They are swamp Drain Them
Who is going to arrest the cooked top tier of the DOJ and FBI? Citizen arrest is the only option; and that is not possible with a Civil War. Just plain simple facts. The top criminal lawyers, judges, and agency heads must be brought down and hanged. It is called Justice.
Sniffy the wonder slug couldn’t find his butt in the dark with his own two hands.
Until the fbi applies same rules to the other side fbi can never be trusted!
They always do – jut enforce the law. It seems your Fat Donny broke the law – get used to it.
D. Richard Tonge – It seems that your dementia ridden diaper pants Biden and his meth head kid Hunter broke the laws too. Where are the FBI agents for that Comrade?
Could you please share with us what laws President Trump broke ? Try as I might I can not seem to find any laws that he broke.
We still love the FBI and Dear Leader Bidet here in glorious Marxachumpsetts!
Caps just makes you look desperate.
This Gestapo Department was instituted by Barack Hussein Obama.Think back to Jan.20 ,2009 and all the crimes he committed in his hate of America and it’s people.
Hussein is a documented communist, hates free enterprise limited federal government, property rights, religious freedom, gun rights, etc. He launched a war on many of our free institutions including the Constitution. He launched a war on Christianity, decency, law enforcement, military, etc. He is the one pulling Brandon’s strings.
Name one
Fast and Furious gun running in Mexico, Benghazi, IRS scandal, uranium one, just to name a few.
No matter what the alphabetical term is for whatever agency or group, we will always resist bowing to tyranny, injustice or stupidity. That being said, no we will never give up our defensive weapons
I’m sure the percentage is MUCH higher than 53%!
Biden says that “no Amendment is absolute”.
What part of “shall not be infringed” does Biden not understand. It seems quite absolute to me; and I will defend it with my life.
Well, it’s true, take the 2nd Amendment for example: you cannot use your guns to murder, rob or terrorize, so therefore the amendment is not absolute. The 1st amendment: you cannot slander or libel people, so therefore it’s not absolute. Of course the democommunists are much more devious, and to them ‘not absolute’ means they can censor anything you say they don’t like.
Does everyone get a ‘Awaiting for Approval’, when they make a comment??
I am enjoying my new enterprising career tap, tap tapping on my little keyboard. My boyfriend and benefactor Mr. Soreass pays me $.05 per post. Soon I will be joining the ranks of the super rich! Jealous? 🤭
Hey, hey, ho, ho, Sleepy Joe has got to go, hey, hey, ho, ho!