August 23, 2022| By: TTN Staff| Media | 86118 | 24 comments Share 15 Tweet 0 Email AdvertisementWant to FIRE Nancy Pelosi? 5 is the Magic Number, Learn Why [CLICK HERE]John King King is reportedly one of the names on Chris Licht’s chopping block at CNN. CNN anchor John King interviews Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates at the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene, Kan., May 8, 2010. Via Wikimedia Commons. AdvertisementWant to FIRE Nancy Pelosi? 5 is the Magic Number, Learn Why [CLICK HERE] Share 15 Tweet 0 Email Previous pageNext page Pelosi’s Husband Avoids Jail Time in DUI Case NYT op-ed Tramples on the Constitution TTN Staff