Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s multimillionaire husband, Paul Pelosi, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence and causing injury on Tuesday in connection to drunk driving charges back in May.
Fox News reports:
Pelosi’s plea agreement includes a jail term of five days, although Judge Joseph Solga noted that he already had credit for four days, two from actual time served and two for conduct credits. The remaining day will be covered by an 8-hour work program.
The sentence also includes a three-month drunk driving program, one year with an ignition interlock device, restitution payments, as well as three years of probation.
As part of the agreement, Pelosi pleaded guilty to violating California Vehicle Code 23153(a), and a second charge was dismissed in the interest of justice.
Pelosi was not present in court, but his lawyer for the speaker’s husband, Amanda Bevins, appeared on his behalf in a Napa County, California, court.