Kim Kardashian schooled former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a test of legal knowledge in an episode of Clinton’s upcoming Apple TV+ documentary series.
Fox News reports:
The former Secretary of State went toe-to-toe with Kardashian, the reality TV star and criminal justice reform advocate, in a pop quiz on criminal law issues like use of deadly force and self-defense. Kardashian, who last year passed the baby bar exam after completing her first year in a law apprenticeship program, beat the Yale Law graduate 11-4. Clinton described the loss as “heartbreaking,” in the interview with PEOPLE.
The contest was filmed for an episode of Gutsy, a new Apple TV+ series hosted and executive produced by Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea, based on their book, The Book of Gutsy Women.
Chelsea Clinton, who played quizmaster for the legal trivia matchup, told PEOPLE she thinks her mom could have had the upper hand if the former First Lady had faster “reaction time” hitting the buzzer when she knew an answer to a question.
The elder Clinton says she was “really intrigued” at how well Kardashian fared in the test of legal acumen, and said she wanted to “put the spotlight on her”, the global influencer billionaire with 329 million Instagram followers. The failed presidential candidate insisted to PEOPLE that she did not let Kardashian win but rather wanted to help showcase how hard her opponent had worked to achieve her legal knowledge.
Kardashian won because she’s more familiar with Trump’s criminal history.
And after years of investigations nothing has been found.
I thought I would remind you that you left that out.
looks like its Richard that got schooled
“Dick” flavored Graham cracker
Richard E Graham, You got it confused with the fool who is currently parking his nasty butt in our White House. He has a library full of criminal history and it’ll keep getting bigger by the day.
Actually, it is Bill who wants to have a backroom chat with Kim.
The daughter wanted her mother to have a faster reaction time when she knew the answer? “she” wanted to put the spotlight on Kardashian? BS artists. Hope they’re embarrassed.
remember folks, Slick Willy is NOT Chelsea’s father. Web Hubble is.
Sock it to her, Kim.
That is sure one series I will not watch.
I would tell Kim to watch her back!!
She just didn’t want to incriminate herself.
Clinton the all time biggest loser!!!! No one wants you !!! Get it!!!
Not only she should be in jail, but also she’s a fraud.
Who gives a dang? Two morons.
Make it three, kim, mommy clinton and daughter.
Do u wonder why hildebeast, was such a terrible politician,u got your answer talking to KK. she didn’t have a clue what she was doing,u would be right.
Not only she should be in jail, but also she’s fraud.
Ahem, has, uh, anyone informed Kim of the things that happen to people who cross the Clintons?
No surprise here. Hillary started her career by getting thrown off of the case prosecuting President Nixon for ethics violations. She has spent her entire career on the edge of these questionable ethics and boasting about not getting caught for her misdeeds
And Hillary failed the bar exam first time around. Had to retake it.
Well, to be fair. Kimmy is CURRENTLY in law school. Hilly has been OUT of law school for 50 years. It’s probably been almost that long since she cracked open a law book. But good Lord, when is that woman (Clinton) gonna hang it up?!?!?! Lady, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU!! And even FEWER care about your daughter!!! Maybe it’s time you learned to bake cookies for your grandkids. . . . .
Why would Hillary need a law book ? She doesn`t follow any of them.
With all of the leftist whining about their Mother earth, they can really cry when Hillary goes to grave. The earth will puke for years with that vile, evil, disgusting trash in her soils.
Going up against her was a big mistake.
Kim is very knowledgeable in law.
I didn’t expect clinton to use such a downward excuse just to justify how apparently she lacks in the knowledge of law. Don’t mean to insult anyone, but never claim you have something when it doesn’t exist. We should require everyone to be tested like this.
same goes for the voter rolls in the S T A T E S !
Why is Hillary Clinton writing books and starting a new show when she should be in prison. If PRESIDENT TRUMP is being scrutinized so closely by the DOJ and FBI for bogus charges, why is the Hildabeast not incarcerated for her THOUSANDS of emails?
Well, msm covers for her and every alphabet government agency also covers for her. Seems to be a system totally on her side as well as any other dem, you know, like hunter and the big guy.
The FBI and CIA are afraid of her Hit Men
brave people have seceded from less abuse that “we” are putting up with. Wise up ! Grow a pair or purchase a back bone from somewhere. Act like a man ! if’n ya can
The Clintons are always ready with an excuse. Her mom’s reaction times were slower. Yeah right. That mea s she is mentally impaired. Then it’s a good thing she was not elected President.
What else can I say to her L O S E R
So here we go again with Killary and her face job daughter Chelsea. They both are sickening and no one wants to hear ( or see ) either one of them. Trying to be relevant again Killary? Yeah thought so. Go walk on the beach with your whore dog Bill, maybe go for a swim and drown. That would be so pleasant!
As soon as I finish watching all the episodes of the Jan 6 show, I will tune in and watch Hilliary.
CLINTONS: the most corrupt, the most despicable couple on the planet! They were destitute (Hillary’s words) in the year 2000; they are worth $ 240 million now! How did they do it? Why the FBI’s NKVD unit doesn’t investigate them.
“We the (sane) People need to stay far away. “We” need to secede, separate from them
focus on the “really intrigued” part. She thinks everyone is stupid ,but her. She DOES have “us” all beat in the evil category. Hell is awaiting her soon arrival. I can’t wait either
Everyone that dislikes work hates Trump. Imagine that?
The alpha trek from the word gutsy to nutsy is just seven letters apart.
I think Clinton has made the journey in ‘that’ village to the latter ‘state of mind.’