Days after passing a ban on all gas vehicles by 2035, California has requested Tesla and other electric vehicle owners stop plugging in their cars to charge because they can’t spare the electricity.
The Daily Wire reports:
Days ago, officials in California unveiled a plan to phase out new gas-powered cars. Now, officials are asking residents to avoid charging their electric vehicles in the interest of not overwhelming the power grid.
The western United States is facing a likely “prolonged and record heat wave” that could lead to temperatures as high as 115 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the National Weather Service. As a result, the California Independent System Operator is seeking to bring all available resources online to handle higher electricity demand and expects to issue “voluntary energy conservation” notices over the Labor Day weekend.
“The top three conservation actions are to set thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using large appliances and charging electric vehicles, and turn off unnecessary lights,” according to the American Public Power Association. During a “Flex Alert,” residents are encouraged to reduce energy consumption from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm — the hours in which “demand for electricity remains high and there is less solar energy available.”
The warnings of low grid capacity come days after the California Air Resources Board issued new rules requiring 35% of new vehicles to produce zero emissions by 2026 — a standard that will rise to a 68% benchmark by 2030 and a 100% level by 2035. Yet experts have warned that the state’s electric grid will require significant upgrades to manage a rapid transition away from internal combustion vehicles.
This is a major step back for the left-wing state that thought betting big on eco-green policies was the answer.
Newsom couldn’t be more stupid! They just dont have a brain in CA!
Are you idiots that vote for Democrats in California deserve exactly what you get keep voting Democrat and it will keep getting worse for you you seem to enjoy that
I don’t agree all people in Calif are that stupid, just have people who lie about the vote, and it is getting worse. Newsom is the idiot savant nephew of Nancy Pelosi.
California always wants to be First but most of the time end up LAST…
So Stupid Governor Newsom will be able to claim Californians got
their Asses Roasted without Fossil Fuels….Way to Go Down on your
Economy Idiots….
And where does electric come from??? Stupid people, thinking electric is the way to go. And go to another state & buy a gas car. Will California not let anyone have gas? They will all starve. Forcing everyone to get rid of their gas cars is not the way to go. Sure eventually more people will buy electric cars but you just can’t tell everyone you must do this right now or else. Not all people can afford to buy a new car, some people are still paying on their cars.What, no one can take a trip now? No chargers to charge your electric cars, not many anyways to be found. Let’s drive some place and not have away to get back. Or just don’t drive far. Tell your Boss, sorry can’t get to work, can’t charge my car. How far will that get you? Does no one think b4 they do these stupid things? I just don’t understand.
They can’t think beyond next week never mind for future ventures
Nothing to understand except that liberalism is a mental disorder. It has no logic or rational thought, just stupid emotion based knee jerk reactions.
What if there is a hidden agenda involved? No regime can be this wrong 100 percent of the time by accident.
want to bet the dems are on a venture to RUIN the USA.
CA state politicians are total idiots.
Remember, voters put these idiots in office and keep reelecting them to another term.
No, the morons who vote for them are the total idiots.
I heard the tent people have taken over the charging stations and are guarding their new territory with pride and enthusiasm. Newsome has no chance !!
I Love it!! What morons!!!they just never learn! Saddest part is they will keep voting for it! Hey it’s great for laughs!
Nothing bear sized pepper spray or a Glock can’t disperse.
keep voting for those democrats
This is a prime example of Newsom’s ability to lead. He’s an idiot!
Quite possibly the Dems candidate for president next round. Think on that for a bit.
Any chance that ANY of you greenie weenies can begin to see past the end of your noses into the chasm of the idiocy of forcing half baked technology down the throats of unwilling humanity? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Newsome is a political embarrassment.
LOL, and to think that’s how the whole country would be if everyone had
Newsom messed over his state ROYALLY by going WOKE & letting the FUNNY FARM LIBTURDS talk him into going totally ELECTRICAL. Now they DON’T tell their people that to use the electrical stations that supply the power it NEEDS COAL, GAS or DIESEL TO POWER THEIR STATIONS
What goes around comes around!
That just shows how dense Mexi-fornians are!
Setting thermostats at 78 degrees is too hot even in winter weather when it gets down into the teens. Air conditioning when it’s over 100 degrees should be 68 degrees at the highest. I keep my window ac units at 62 degrees and it’s still not cool enough
These people who elect those who enact all this woke, fly by night crap have only themselves to blame for the inevitable SHTF that follows. Not only do I not feel sorry for them, I’m actually enjoying the meltdown. Maybe Newsome could actually lose this November, if he faces a true conservative.
Has anyone heard about chyna???
Every year summer is monsoon weather and up till a few days ago rivers were floading , streets bridges its crazy and 3 gorges dam they have openned to drain water to prevent the dam from busting. All of a sudden all rivers are bone dry, so the roads are literally steaming.their so hot.
Sound familiar????
Extreme high temps to come to cali????
How many of you really beleive this BS??? Our weather men NEVER CAN PREDICT THE WEATHER, mind you all of a sudden now they can?????? They always (dems) tell you a prediction usually a week prior to the incident happening. All this chit is intensional!!!!!!! Its man made!!! Thats why they use haarp and chem trails to change our weather!!! To try and make you beleive we have a climate issue. Maybe be more aware of the chem trials and you will see for yourself. Where the planes spray they disapate outward and all of a sudden they grow into bigger films of like wispy clouds but they are not real clouds and then it accumulates to bigger thicker ones that eventually cover the ground from the sun. Normal clouds are round puffy balls. That is one purpose of them. To keep us out of the sun!! We are not so healthy without sun and plants and trees cant survive either. Did you know in last 2 yrs through all this crap we have 60 species of trees dieing????The chemtrials also have alluminum and other toxic crap in them that damage us and make us unhealthy. Another reason for higher rates of alzhiemers disease!! Along with jabs containing allumium and mercury in them. Autism at its finest!! Oh and a biggy here……allumium also makes the earth highly flamable!!! Make sense to ya??? All the west coast on fire last year????? Uhhh huh…..
So stop beleiving the climate change BS….its called intentionally man made by the cabal!!! And biexing and dems and china are pushing this crap fast.We have a cabal trying to control the people and gaven newsome is part of the cabal!!!
No masks, no jabs, no to banning gas or deisel, screw tesla cars!! Anyone with a whole brian would figure out all the charging on those would bring down our power grid and you will be lucky if you dont combust into flames if ya own one. Their natorious for combusing into flames. Its all about your money and controling the population!!!
Maybe research it and see for yourselves…….i would use brave search engine cause they will hide what you search on regular platforms. Aka….
People in America think they are going to change the world by supposedly going green. Climate has been changing since the beginning of time and unless all countries do their part, America is not going to make a noticeable difference. The green new deal is a farce that is making people like AL Gore rich. Nothing else!
I just love the ideas that they come up with in California. Not just that, but they like to share the pain by forming an alliance with the entire left coast. Inslee is working to rip out extremely productive hydroelectric dams on the Snake River so we can develop those part-time renewables like wind and solar. When they’ve accomplished their goals to double the cost and create unreliability they can take a bow!
🤣 Who couldn’t see this coming? What a stupid state. Glad I escaped from that state.
amen to that
T H I N K A H E A D for just once, and try to imagine where the
E L E C T R I C power comes from and W H A T F O S S I L F U E L provides it to that little P L U G Thingy that charges your EV???
Just when you thought Gov. Nuisance couldn’t get any dumber, there’s your sign!
There is no logic to his thinking. He has the Liberal Virus called “Stupidity2020” for which there is no vaccine or cure for. Best you can do is keep your distance from them …………
The stupidity of the push for electric cars without the supporting power grid. I received a mailing from the idiots at the Sierra Club. They take pride in shutting down 50 coal fired plants and supported shutting down the pipeline. I hope they enjoy their e-cars sitting in their garage with no power to run them
LMAO, they never ask themselves then what?
But I thought only RED states had problems with the grid. And isn’t solar ‘renewable’? so I am not sure why CA would be having problems. Maybe if they start using windmills? (sarcasm alert – from someone using Electricity elsewhere)
If 30% of Californians are illegal aliens or their first-generation prodigy and don’t earn enough money to pay taxes, on average, then how are they going to afford the pricey electric vehicles to get the 0% total emissions goal? And will the existing and new power plants that generate all that greatly increased amount of required electricity count against the 0% goal? All this reminds me of the silly 5 and 10 year plans by the Communists that contained completely hopeless and smiley face goals that made the head comrades think they were marching toward Utopia.
If 30% of Californians are illegal aliens or their first-generation prodigy and don’t earn enough money to pay taxes, on average, then how are they going to afford the pricey electric vehicles to get the 0% total emissions goal? And will the existing and new power plants that generate all that greatly increased amount of required electricity count against the 0% goal? All this reminds me of the silly 5 and 10 year plans by the Communists that contained completely hopeless and smiley face goals that made the head comrades think they were marching toward Utopia.
And the Democrats want this dufus to be our next President.
The genius just can’t stop proving just how stupid he and other Democrats really are.
I’ll give them a little credit, in their latest bill they decided to keep their last nuke plant open. They were going to shut it down. What they need is 3 or 4 more to handle the load of millions of charging cars, doubt that’s going to happen.
Hey – but they did have the entire state ran on renewable power (which included fossil fuel) for 4 seconds the other day during the blackout. Progress?
Just wait until their utility bill comes in and they pay spot rates to cover needed electric from their failed power grid. best play on this one is to buy stock in surrounding state fossil-fuel power plants. Ask the woke UK power consumers near the north sea why electric costs are driving their businesses under from their exotic rates and windmills that last 4 years on a 30 year loan. meanwhile china builds a new coal power plant every day to take away command from the west. China is positioned to get our GREEN, not becoming green.