Joe Biden is now running for cover following his Thursday address where he viciously attacked Republicans who are supporters of President Donald J. Trump, branding “MAGA Republicans” a threat to “democracy.”
Fox News reports:
“You keep trying to make that case. I don’t consider any Trump supporters a threat to the country,” Biden said. “I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, refuses to acknowledge an election…changing the way you count votes, that is a threat to democracy.”
That seemed to contradict his Thursday speech, when he said that U.S. politics is in a battle between “equality and democracy,” and that the GOP have assaulted those principles.
“As I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise,” he said. “There’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country.”
He further tweeted that Trump and “MAGA Republicans” are “a threat to the very soul of this country.”
Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 2, 2022
“Failure to acknowledge when elections were won or lost” are why Biden labeled Republicans a threat, he claimed in the speech.
Biden is a idiot!
Steaming pile of dung Biden!
That’s actually an insult to idiots. He’s not even that smart. He must have lost his place in the speech they gave him to read and went off on his own. Everyone knows how bad for him that can be.
Has Killery ever admitted that she lost the 2016 election.
Elections have consequences. Hopefully 22 and 24 will correct some unfortunate consequences of the unclear outcome of 2020.
There is little chance in hell of correcting our election integrity and it’s only going to get worse and worse until it looks and works exactly as any other communist dictatorship does. Instead of in-person one-day voting with ballots tabulated by local precinct volunteers of equal numbers without ever leaving public view from first ballot until last is counted…we have a State Run mail-in ballot system with no valid verification process in place. Administered and tabulated in Sacramento by the Govenor’s State Department.
The current election system is different then ever before in history and it will not change until there is an armed rebellion against the New Socialist “Democrat Party”
We are living the nightmare that has befallen every Socialist takeover… the transition to Nazism and Communism both follow this path.
Anericas free people are like sheep to the slaughter and there is no one who can help us except our own will and guns
How about Gap-Tooth who thinks SHE is governor of GA?
Didn’t Al Gore also claim that he won the hanging chad contest?
They’re gonna cheat again. Bet on on it. It’s already planned and in the works. That’s why they’re still so upset about the “insurrection” that didn’t really happen. They’re preparing to force us to accept a fixed election.
Even Pelosi has challenged seating Republicans in the House. Biden and the rest of the Dems accuse Republicans for the very things they are doing. The pot calling the kettle black.
No she hasn’t
You scared they will find how you cheated Joe.?
You’re an idiot, period.
He can call us names on national tv and all the news media covers it and if I call him Brandon I get censored.
Welcome lefty klown world. Headed by the king dunce Biden.
Yep, the Dim/Commies can do anything they want and get away with it. Beijing Biden and Barry Hussein are in charge now. Pray to God the Republicans won’t let them get away with cheating again in November.
He makes me sick to my stomach. Cannot do it
Lets Go Brandon and FJB
Dear Mr. President, the only threat to this country is YOU and your DEM followers. Come on, how is MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN a threat to our nation? I can tell you what is a threat. 87,000 new federal employees that carry guns. Open borders where over 5,000,000,000 illegals have entered our country. Where student loans can be forgiven to buy votes for the Nov election. Where gas prices are over $2.50 per gallon higher than when you took office. Where the real inflation number is most likely over 12%. Forcing the military to teach its members woke. There are the threats to our nation.
It has to be said how did this worthless pile of human flesh become President of the United States of America? He was placed there by some very corrupt people.
What’s the point? Joe makes the darkest speech of his career. Is he trying to inflame the 75 million Trump voters into doing something that would allow him to claim there is an insurrection and declare martial law? Would not be surprising!! Always remember the Democrats are sleazy bastards!!!
Someone needs to tell that idiot that America is a republic. NOT a fascist democracy.
See what prolonged mask wearing is doing to people?
The lack of oxygen is destroying democrats thought process and motor skills.
Burn in hot low hot hell you disgusting vile evil dunce Biden! And you will. You deserve it.
Biden doesn’t have a functioning brain, no part, none of it. He is the puppet to his puppet master, Obama. Many well informed politicians have made the comment that Biden’s presidency would be Obama’s third term. GOD HELP AMERICA IF THAT COMMUNIST ILLEGAL IS IN CONTROL AGAIN!
Don t care what he calls me because I call him a crooked,stupid, grifter pretending to be president!
He’s been backtracking ever since he lost the election and crawled out of his hideout anyway. Following their stolen election, his handlers have been unable to whitewash even a fraction of his errors, gaffes, insults, slights and outright lies coming from his fake oval office.
Such vicious accusations aimed at only half the Republicans who may have crossed over, guarantees the midterms and probably the 2023 election. Most of any gender have gotten over Trump’s use of the term “pussy” even if they did know it was mere locker-room bluster.
He is now my enemy! He is not my president! He needs to be removed immediately along with all the other actors!
Biden is a brainless idiot and an Azz H-le.
Joe tries to make MAGA a dirty word and he associates 74 people with the term. He and his supports are so stupid, they don’t realize Make America Great Again is all good and positive. Joe is truly a fool.
Well I guess he knows a terrorist well every time he looks in the mirror. He’s one of the scariest people on earth! What a pathetic human being!
75 million people know he is a demented idiot already. Now maybe the other 70 million Americans will realize it too.
Apparently Joe and his cronies don’t know what fascism is. They are counting on the people not knowing either. Fascists want a strong, big central government that rules with an iron fist. Republicans believe in a small central government and individual rights.
There’s more than 74 million people now that don’t support the communist policies of the dems. Covid joe & his administration is the biggest threat to democracy. Communist policy never has and never will work. These people need to go to N.Korea,China,or Russia if they love it so much. The only way this administration ever wins an election again will be like the first time, through voter fraud.
FJB !!!
This (phoney) President is the threat to democracy! His abuses of power are epic; Election rules were changed by his Democrat Party Govenors NOT Republicans . He is the one attempting to shred Constititional Law. And it is he who exists Government agencies and CCP influenced WOKEcorporations to ban speech and inact Racist Laws.
Biden is lying non-stop. His speech writers ignor facts and spew leftist propaganda to their media stooges.
Biden is literally a psychopath and must be removed immediately
Premier Bidet is a cretinous, senile old fart. He should be sitting in his basement eating ice cream and sniffing his Barbie doll’s hair…not sitting in the White House.
Hey Joey Biden: Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. Call me this and call me that but call yourself a dirty rat.
Mr. Biden’s recent speeches put him in company with many famous 20th-century politicians who likewise declared large segments of the population enemies of the people – Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Ze-dong, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez … All of these notable demagogues made speeches like this as a pretext for and precursor to the imposition of a police state.
I don’t think many people are fooled by this. This nation never was a democracy, it is a constitutional democratic republic. While Mr. Biden et al. hiss and mutter about Make America Great Again supporters being a “threat to democracy,” the truth is that MAGA Americans merely threaten the power of the Democrat Party. The present-day Democrat Party leadership are neither democratic nor honest players in the republic. Their behavior and their speeches show us that they are the greatest threat our Constitutional republic faces. Just ask anyone who lived under one of the famous names mentioned or their successors.
When all is said and done: It will be clear that COVID was the mechanism by which China’s Communist Party won the Cold War. The Democrat Party infiltrated by communists acted to implement “emergency powers” for their Govenor with one purpose in mind: Override the Constitutions election laws by implementing the mail-in ballot system. This moved the administration and tabulation of votes away from the Parties at local precincts and into the hands of States Executive Agency.
It’s that simple folks. The rest is all window dressing to keep us fighting amongst ourselves while Democracy is demolished and our enemies consolidate power in a Central “occupying” government ie the Obama/ Biden Regime.
This is where we are. The only hope that remains is to dissolve the Union and retreat into a Red State America in hopes of salvaging some semblance of our institutions as they were and outlawing the Communist Democrat Party
Do you agree? Then prepare to organize locally by secretly resisting in an underground collective of community freedom fighters .
why the pressure on the FCC suddenly to lockdown access to geo-records of cellphones like the mules use? Maybe patriots should sign up for times to monitor each vote drop box and do live streaming on RUMBLE by location of each dropbox to record a legally timestamped video of the mules this time around. Then if anything is found of people dropping more than one vote and/or going to >1 box they are reported and this immediately triggers an investigation.
Ole Joe is NOT responsible for what he says – hasn’t been for a long time. The American people deserve to know WHO is pulling his strings!
Maybe Senile Joe has multiple personalities? On Thursday he calls out MAGA and Trump by name; on Friday he denies saying it! What kind of drugs is HE on?
On tape forever OK Biden
What is NORMAL for the LEFT is they always point at some one else & accuse them of what the LEFT is doing.
The greatest threat to our country, is hidenbiden and his corrupt,administration.This idiot,has lost all his marbles and is the threat to America. U just declared war on half the country, u are one pathetic, ignorant,delusional,embarrassment to all of America.Resign beofre we impeach u.
Seeing the red backdrop and hearing an evil speech was like something out of hell.
What is with all the censoring,u commies, Does the truth hurt?
FJB and his democratic party. As American Mexican, Army veteran of 20 years, I’m also a proud MAGA Trump supporter.
So Bozo Joe do you consider BLM and Antifa threats to our Democratic Republic. You should since they are openly violent. I would like to hear you denounce these violent communist organizations. Let’s hear it Joe!!! Otherwise go pound sand.
here’s a guy, who has no soul, talking about the soul of America. Sick, sick, sick!
Too late for apologies you senile old fart.
President J. Biden is a rectum.
Enjoy your eternity in everlasting flames Biden! We Christians win! You devil children LOSE!
He is not capable of telling the truth. He is shameful.
I acknowledge that President TRUMP won the 2020 election! I DENY that Biden did! Those are stands I take based on FACTS found during investigations into the election fraud found in numerous states nationwide. I REFUSE to accept the idea that we don’t have a right to question the results of an election because we’re told we can’t.
Biden is confusing ‘A threat to the Democratic Party’ with ‘A threat to democracy’.
Who changed the rules about voting, as near as I can tell it was democrats, so by Biden’s own definition democrats are a threat to our nation.
There was this one “I don’t consider any Trump supporters a threat to the country,” But for the next several days he returned to the MAGA bad, danger to democracy.