On Friday, the Dow Jones industrial average tanked below 30,000 points — worse than when Biden took over at the White House. The Nasdaq lost two percent. The bull market is officially gone, with the bear market on the horizon. The United States is currently in a recession.
Townhall reports:
The numbers come as the U.S. is in a recession, despite White House claims the economy is strong. Inflation continues to rage and the housing market is cratering as the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates.
When asked about the current economic downturn and inflation, driven by Democratic spending, … Joe Biden brushed the issue off as a minor problem during an interview with 60 Minutes last weekend.
President Biden had the audacity to go on 60 Minutes and downplay the worst inflation this nation has seen in 40 years.
Meanwhile the average Colorado household is paying $953 more PER MONTH compared to Jan 2021.
Why won't you take inflation seriously Mr. President?@POTUS pic.twitter.com/oypunp0mr4
— Erik Aadland (@AadlandforCO) September 19, 2022
Conservative commentator Matt Whitlock wrote, “One of the most effective ads of the midterm cycle would be a simple reminder telling everyone to check and see what Joe Biden did to their 401k.”
I can’t think of anything that isn’t worse than when Trump was President, and Biden was going to rescue us from President Trump’s Country?
‘Never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to f*** things up.’ — Barack Hussein Obama