Liz Cheney Confirms What we Knew All Along

Liz Cheney oath of office via Wikimedia Commons.

Anti-Trump Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) is a sitting duck as she will exit Congress at the end of her current term after failing to win renomination against Trump-backed Harriet Hageman. Apparent sour grapes are getting to Cheney, who is now being as blatant as she ever has before with her rage against Trump and “MAGA” Republicans.

During a sit-down at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin Saturday, Cheney said she will leave the GOP if Trump wins the 2024 nomination.

“If he is the nominee, I won’t be a Republican,” she said.

Yahoo News reports:

“I certainly will do whatever it takes to make sure Donald Trump isn’t anywhere close to the Oval Office,” Cheney said.

Cheney said the same when asked about Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, a supporter of Trump’s false claims about thee 2020 presidential election.

“I am going to do everything I can to make sure that Kari Lake is not elected,” Cheney said.

Asked whether that meant potentially campaigning for Democrats, Cheney replied: “Yes, it does.”

“What are we going to do to make sure that our kids know what it means to have peaceful transfers of power?” she said when asked about a possible run for the White House. “And what are we going to do to make sure that we don’t contribute to the unraveling of the republic? … That’s what I’m focused on.”

  1. AS a american we all must make sure every dem and rino is removed from office and from america. I think america must have liberty and as long as the dems and rinos communist must leave america no exceptions

  2. The only unravelling of our Republic I notice is that being done by Liz Cheney. This woman is a toxic Chemical Waste A truly vindictive and revenge fueled human bent on self destruction through her vengeance filled actions.

  3. Make sure you keep that promise after Trump is nominated in 2024. It won’t be any different without you, as it is with you. Except there will be an authentic, American First, Republican taking your place! You leaving is one less democommie voter in the Republican Party! You are a Democommie and need to register as such. Quit PRETENDING to be a Republican! GOOD RIDDANCE!

  4. Reality shows she’s powerless after losing her re-election primary by 30 points. Her dislike for Trump makes him all the more likable


  6. Liz, Do you “really” think we care if you leave
    the Republican Party? Good riddance!
    You will never hurt President Trump or Kari Lake!
    Oh, why did you vote with President Trump
    93% of the times if you hated him so much?

  7. She’s NOT a Republican NOW! She’s a globalist, war-mongering traitor trying to make her daddy some more money. She’s sort of like Hunter but without the dope problem.

  8. She said: “What are we going to do to make sure that our kids know what it means to have peaceful transfers of power?” she said when asked about a possible run for the White House. “And what are we going to do to make sure that we don’t contribute to the unraveling of the republic? … That’s what I’m focused on.”
    At the same time, she is an excellent example of the bitter vengefulness which will NEVER allow a peaceful anything! She is knee-deep in the feces of the Jan. 6 committee’s lies, innuendo, and cover-ups of the Dem involvement.

  9. Liz Cheney couldn’t take Trump calling out her father for the war monger he was. He pushed for Bush to go back to Iraq and finish his daddy’s war. Halliburton profited by 10’s of billions from contracts given to them by the Bush/Cheney administration.

  10. She is not a Republican now, so her promise to remove herself from the party is welcome. Has she forgotten how much hatred Democrats had for her father during his terms as VP?

  11. does cheney realize that two democrats who head the j6 clown show have stood to refuse a new elected member because they were not democrat. watch c-span archives. hypocrisy at its finest, cheney will be a citizen without a party as she will never be trusted, it’s a human nature thing. useful idiot is the modern term for turncoats.

  12. Cheney hasn’t been a Republican for at least the last six years. She thinks pretty highly of herself if she thinks we’ll miss her!

  13. Cheney is so obsessed with her hatred of Trump that she would be dangerous anywhere near a government post. She is putting her hatred above the service to the American people she was elected to serve. Good-by Lizzy, it is time you left the republican party, I doubt the democrats would accept you in their party, you outlived your usefulness to them and they already have enough liberal zombies.

  14. Liz Cheney is carrying her father’s grudges, and her goals are nothing short of vengeance. That is not leadership – and she has not demonstrated leadership for quite some time which is why Wyoming is giving her the boot.

  15. Liz,I don’t think anybody cares what you say or do,you are done in politics, and there is very little you can do once you leave office. The communist liberals will drop you like a hot potato,they used you and you fell for it.

  16. Liz, You are supposed to be an experienced public servant, voted into office to serve the people, not just one party but all of them. But you are being childish by letting your angry problem with Donald Trump become a serious problem for the people by manipulating the Democrat into office which would seriously affect their lives. So I respectfully request you do your best to think what’s the best for your constituents and drop the pettiness with Trump!


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