Buttigieg Makes Latest Wild Claim — This Time About Banning Something Big

Photo by Gage Skidmore

On Wednesday’s Your World on Fox News, Joe Biden’s Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg made one of his most far-out claims yet. The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana-turned Transportation chief claimed “of course” America can ban gas-powered cars by the year 2035. Such policies would mimic those of New York and California, which have instituted such policies. Despite most cars on the road (99%) being gas-powered, it is unsure how the government could make this a reality. Despite that, Buttigieg is doubling down on his mandates.

Breitbart reports:

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg stated that states like New York and California will be ready to transition to electric vehicles by 2035, and that “if the United States of America can’t execute a transition like this over the course of more than a decade, I don’t know what to tell you, this is America, of course, we can do something like that.” Buttigieg also stated that different states will have different approaches, and the power issues in California and post-hurricane outages in Florida, are “a great example of one of the many benefits” of electric vehicles because some have power that can flow in both directions.

Host Neil Cavuto asked, “Secretary, as you know, much of the power was out across half the state of Florida for a while. Much of it has resumed, sir. But it did make some folks think, boy, these electric vehicles that are being pushed, between what happened in Florida and the grid that was compromised to the point where California Gov. Newsom (D) wanted people to cool it for a while on when and how often they charged their EVs, do you think this reminds folks that we’re not ready or the EVs are not ready for prime time?”

Buttigieg responded, “Well, actually, I think this is a great example of one of the many benefits of those tools. You know, I was just at the Detroit Auto Show a couple of weeks ago. One of the things that was very impressive about some of the vehicles that we saw, including, for example, the pickup trucks that are on the market — entering onto the market right now, is that their power can actually flow both ways. So, in an extreme event, from a neighborhood resiliency perspective, they can actually work, basically like a generator, except that you don’t have to have diesel ready for them. What they’re doing is they’re using the battery capacity to power a home, and in that sense, could be very useful in a scenario like this. Look, I don’t think anybody thinks that we’re ready here, sitting here in 2022 for a scenario where, overnight, there is some instant transition to electric vehicles.”

Cavuto then cut in to ask, “You want to do so by 2035, right? In some states like California…in New York, we want to do so by 2035. You think we’d be ready to do that?”

Buttigieg responded, “Well, yeah, I mean, GM said they’re not even going to be making anything but electric vehicles after 2035. So, if the United States of America can’t execute a transition like this over the course of more than a decade, I don’t know what to tell you, this is America, of course, we can do something like that. Different states have different approaches.”

When California passed the law, far-left Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom said, “The climate crisis is solvable if we focus on the big, bold steps necessary to stem the tide of carbon pollution.” He announced the 2035 goal two years ago, and regulators have spent the time since then working out the details of what Newsom termed “the action we must take if we’re serious about leaving this planet better off for future generations.”

  1. Does Mayor Pete ever say or do anything that makes sense? Is he the most unqualified Sec. of Transportation ever?

  2. Wow, such great thoughts from a failed mayor who couldn’t run his town, but now wants to push a system that STILL doesn’t exist. Here’s a hint, Peteykins, Build it first, and deliver what it’s supposed to produce, and THEN tell us how great it is. Jeez, this clown not only looks like Alfred E Neuman, he THINKS like him, too.

  3. When these two “states” show that the EV can be ran successful, for all the citizens of these states, then all the other states, will be able to see the full picture. It is going to take a lot of energy to go EV, and the sun and wind may not be enough, FOR EVERYONE!!!


  4. Ah, no, it’s physically not possible and anyone who claims otherwise is an imbecile. And if it were possible, it would mean worldwide and catastrophic environmental damage from mining, manufacture, disposal and wildlife impacts. Why do they never acknowledge where >90% of the power to charge electric cars comes from? It isn’t windmills or solar panels.

  5. It is easy ban the manufacture of new Fossil fuel engines convert Gas stations to electric and charge $500 a gallon for gasoline

    1. You are just as much of an idiot as Buttgig.
      As Richard Olmsted just stated above: “Ah, no, it’s physically not possible and anyone who claims otherwise is an imbecile. And if it were possible, it would mean worldwide and catastrophic environmental damage from mining, manufacture, disposal and wildlife impacts. Why do they never acknowledge where >90% of the power to charge electric cars comes from? It isn’t windmills or solar panels.”
      Extensive research has been conducted to prove this fact. It will take millions of barrels of fossil fuels to obtain the materials to produce the products to even make the EVs and infrastructure for EVs, and destroy the echo system in the process.

  6. GM said that they won’t be making anything but electric vehicles by 2035, and I’m willing to bet they won’t be making ANYTHING by 2040.

  7. Pete (What, me worry) B is a fraud. He will say or do anything to gain approval or power. Does not at to do what is right, but what is expedient for him. Beware this puppet.

  8. Never mind the fact that this push to all electric vehicles by 2035 isn’t possible. It’s the utter arogance, the contempt, the hatred they have for us that they would force this down our throats not caring at all what we think or want. You will do this slave no matter the cost or harm to you.

  9. Power can flow both ways…

    What a moron! (I apologize to the real morons for dragging them to a new low!) Those PU trucks are NOT EVs, they have tiny inverters making them extremely inefficient electrical power sources that burn lots of gas to give the minuscule amount of juice they produce. After a hurricanes devastation where does the gas come from to power it? And oh yeah, there won’t be any gas because gas and the vehicles burning it will be banned.

    But of course (typical leftist) destroy first through incompetence, but gain power. Then claim that you don’t have enough power and control and that’s why it wasn’t successful. So re-elect them and give them more power and control to make it right. The problem with that? They’re morons and can’t make it right on their best day. They’re about power and nothing else. Anything that gets in their way, like fair elections, civilization, or a functioning country, had better just get out of the way. Nothing is too big to be destroyed in their quest for power since power and nothing else is the goal. “It” gets in the way? It’s expendable.

  10. How do we end up with clowns like this in our American administration? Oh, never mind, I already know the answer.

  11. Idiots like this serves nobody. He’s a token, not for ability, not for intelligence but his sexual preference. Identity politics has proven to be a disaster. Our VP and newest Associate Justice of the SCOTUS are prime examples.

  12. The country is run by idiots that are beyond belief. When these cars catch fire, and they will, it takes more water and time to put them out than they are worth. We are already seeing the pick up trucks having a major problem with what trucks were designed for, hauling loads. Can’t go 100 miles without a recharge. Nope we are a long way off from great electric cars and trucks. How would he have liked to get out of Florida in the hurricane in an electric car.

  13. I am sure the Mayor has absolutely no knowledge of the fact that California does not have the capacity in it’s power grid to even begin to support a state full of EV’s. This current edict from the Governor of California proves that. Also, the so called environmentally clean generating systems could mot be built into the infrastructure in that time line.
    Actually, the states permitting process and regulatory agencies could not process the massive paper work required. In that amount of time.
    Finally, the manufacturers do not have the capacity to produce the vehicles in time.
    Finally, those vehicles are beyond what the average citizen of California can pay for a car considering the already massive tax burden we bear now.
    I am afraid the young man is believing in a fantasy and not reality.
    Let him do something like mandate all federal departments go fully EV first.

  14. There is no doubt in my mind that they are trying to tear down this great country. AOC says you cannot pump gas when there is a power outage so you should buy an electric car. WHAT? Where are you going to charge the car you stupid bimbo? These people could not run a lemonade stand!

  15. First thing is the government has no business picking winners and losers. It has no business banning products which have been widely successful and haven’t been deleterious to the nation’s welfare. Especially since the internal combustion engine has been the powerhouse of much of our country’s wealth. There is no climate crisis and petroleum products are not destroying the world. This is a ginned up political ploy based on completely false information. By adopting this stance the government is in the process of destroying our standard of living and doing untold damage to our world and humanity as a whole. The climate activists are charlatans who will destroy our planet on government policy at a time. They refuse to accept the science and have put their faith in a false premise based solely on misguided opinions. The science is in and it can be found right here:



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