Biden Spends Thousands On Ecuadorian Drag Shows

Gay Pride flag in Athens, Greece, via Unsplash creative commons license:

It’s one thing to send money to the Middle East in an effort to prevent homosexual people from being thrown off of roofs, but it’s another to dump money into Equidor to fund drag shows. House Republicans are demanding answers from the State Department due to a decision made by the Biden administration in September to send money to Ecuador to fund 13 drag shows, along with three workshops.

The move is being criticized as misusing taxpayer money, and also many believe it’s an attempt to push a woke, and overall degenerate and unpopular western culture onto parts of the world that are more traditional.

Fox News Reports:

Biggs and nearly a dozen other GOP lawmakers sent a letter Thursday to Secretary of State Antony Blinken requesting information about the decision behind the grant. Republicans are also eager to learn if the State Department is funding other drag performances with taxpayer money.

“Promoting the radical Left’s woke ideology is not an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars and promoting drag does not relate in any way to the objective above,” the letter said. “Instead of funding drag theater programs, your department should focus its limited resources on advancing America’s national interests, not the left’s agenda.”

Fox News was the first to report on the grant earlier this month. The State Department has defended its decision to issue the nearly $21,000 appropriation, saying the program is strategic to ensure “diversity, inclusion and representation to equity and accessibility” in Ecuador.

“Recent data suggest an alarming and deadly rise in violence against LGBTQI+ persons in Ecuador,” said a department spokesperson. “The program will advance key U.S. values of diversity and the inclusion of LGBTQI+ communities as well as promote the acceptance of communities that are disproportionately affected by violence.”

While the stats are claimed to show a rise in LGBTQ violence, the Biden administration is picking and choosing which issues they are going to step in and help. They’d rather create a gay culture in South America than support Uyghurs in China, or any other group facing a serious systemic issue.

20,000 of taxpayer money is a minuscule, and almost forgettable amount of money. However, the issue speaks to the Biden administration’s goals and how they would like to influence others with their power. Of course, were all taught that if you change other’s cultures it’s called a plethora of things, depending on what you’re spreading, it can be considered gentrification or colonizing, and so on, but if you’re attempting to spread Western LGBTQ ideology, then it’s somehow considered a good thing.

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